Medindia » Nutrition Data » Finfish and Shellfish Products
Tip 1 : Support your health and community by buying locally-grown fruits. Try visiting a farmers’ market near you.
Tip 2 : Roast a whole chicken. When cooled, remove the skin, bones, and fat. Serve the meat as is, or use in a recipe.
Tip 3 : An ounce equivalent of protein foods is 1 oz of meat, poultry, or seafood, ¼ cup beans, 1 egg, 1 T. peanut butter, or ½ oz nuts or seeds.
Tip 4 : Eat a variety of protein foods. Include beans, peas, nuts, lean meats, poultry, soy products & eggs. Choose seafood twice a week.
Tip 5 : Does your produce keep going bad before you can eat it? Try frozen fruit instead--they provide the same nutritional value.
Tip 6 : To thicken stews and soups use pureed, cooked vegetables such as carrots, onions or potatoes.
Tip 7 : Multi-grain, stone-ground, 100% wheat, cracked wheat, or seven-grain doesn't equal whole-grain. Look for the word "whole"!
Tip 8 : Fresh pork is a good source of protein. The leanest choices include pork loin, tenderloin, center loin, and ham.
Tip 9 : Whole grains are good for your health! Make at least half your grains whole to get the benefits.
Tip 10 : Try making a sandwich with 100% whole-wheat pita bread, whole-grain tortillas, or whole-wheat wraps!