Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Major Food Brands» CRACKER BARREL
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Tip 1 : Fresh and frozen fruit such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries can be enjoyed throughout the year.
Tip 2 : Greek yogurt makes a great substitute for sour cream--it is thick and rich tasting.
Tip 3 : In addition to getting calcium from milk and yogurt, you also get potassium, which can help your blood pressure.
Tip 4 : Try this pasta idea. Grate zucchini lengthwise and cook with onions, garlic, and a little broth until tender. Add to spaghetti pasta and serve.
Tip 5 : Some dairy products, like whole milk and cheese, contain solid fats, which provide Empty Calories. Choose lower fat versions more often.
Tip 6 : Shopping tip: Find specials and coupons in your local paper or online for discounts on low-fat or fat-free dairy foods.
Tip 7 : Select vegetables with more potassium, such as beet greens, lima beans, spinach, and lentils.
Tip 8 : Add pureed vegetables, like carrots, sweet potatoes, and beans to soup for a thicker, heartier texture.
Tip 9 : Replace refined grains with whole grains. Buy whole-grain versions of foods like bread or pasta.
Tip 10 : Use up leftover whole-grain bread or crackers as bulk in a meat loaf (or meat-less loaf). Check online for recipes.