Medindia » Nutrition Data » Sweets
Tip 1 : Soups and puddings made with fat-free or low-fat milk can help you get the dairy you need.
Tip 2 : For a special treat, make homemade ice cream sandwiches using frozen yogurt and peanut butter between graham crackers.
Tip 3 : Visit My Reports to check out your Protein Foods history chart and see how you've been doing with your intake over time.
Tip 4 : Sunflower and pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts and peanuts are all protein foods. Use them in your meals or snacks.
Tip 5 : Whole grains can be a good source of dietary fiber--choose grains with more fiber for additional health benefits.
Tip 6 : Plan for 8 ounces of seafood each week--choose a variety of different kinds.
Tip 7 : A good way to start your day with dairy is to use fat-free or low-fat milk instead of water to make oatmeal or hot cereal.
Tip 8 : Tired of eating plain vegetables? Add slivered almonds or cashews to a vegetable stir-fry.
Tip 9 : "Juice drinks" aren't real fruit juice--look for 100% juice on the label.
Tip 10 : Support your health and community by buying locally-grown fruits. Try visiting a farmers’ market near you.