Incidence of Deaths due to Accidents in India 2001-2006

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  Cases No.of Deaths
S.No 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. Natural Causes 36651 16723 14954 18937 22415 21502
B. Un-Natural Causes 234368 243399 244671 258326 271760 293202
1 Air-Crash 30 37 51 23 6 2
2 Collapse of Structures 3119 2216 2376 2169 2718 2399
3 Drowning 20739 19853 20960 21190 23571 25571
4 Electrocution 5641 5361 6336 6224 6987 7619
5 Explosions 575 636 722 601 643 824
6 Falls 7446 7826 8800 8448 9132 9821
7 Factory/Machine accidents 641 674 712 715 671 869
8 Fire 22449 21004 19278 18445 19093 19222
9 Fire Arms 2688 2597 1993 2283 2254 2161
10 Sudden Deaths 15065 15230 16749 17413 18519 19450
11 Killed by Animals 770 760 798 788 847 864
12 Mines or quarry disaster 499 625 550 456 456 409
13 Poisoning 24077 21886 21172 22035 20800 23434
14 Stampede 30 44 83 31 346 18
15 Suffocation 892 1481 1144 1218 1549 1696
16 Traffic Accidents 99512 101958 102951 111794 118265 131652
17 Other Causes 14266 25801 27591 30409 31389 32478
18 Causes Not known 15926 15410 12405 14084 14514 14713
  Total (Natural+Unnatural) 271019 260122 259625 294175 294175 314704
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