Diet and Nutrition

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Diet Articles

Fish Oil Benefits

Fish Oil Benefits

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are helpful to treat many health problems. Fish oil benefits eyes, bones, heart, brain, skin and hair.

Black Water: Benefits and Uses
Black Water: Benefits and Uses
Black water is alkaline and has a high pH of 8. Consuming black water improves metabolism, hydration, and detoxification.
Fat-Burning Foods for Men
Fat-Burning Foods for Men
What are the best fat-burning foods? Some vegetables like spinach, mushrooms; certain nuts, legumes and lentils help burn fat.
Health Benefits of Cottage Cheese
Health Benefits of Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese is often disregarded because of its mild & almost bland taste. However, there are plenty of healthy recipes that taste great and offer you all the health benefits of cottage cheese.
Foods to Improve Memory Power
Foods to Improve Memory Power
Eating healthy nutritious foods can help improve memory power and prevent brain-related illness. Eat foods that have numerous health benefits for keeping your brain healthy.
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