Are you over the age of 40 and having difficulty urinating? You could be suffering from
benign prostatic hyperplasia or benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). It is a common condition that affects older men and causes obstruction to the flow of urine and the frequency of urination(
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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
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Some of the symptoms of BPH include trouble emptying the bladder completely, inability to urinate, urinary incontinence, urinary urgency, and straining to urinate. Family history, physical inactivity, older age, obesity, erectile dysfunction, metabolic syndrome, and hypertension are some risk factors for BPH(
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Benign prostatic hyperplasia: Risk factors
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These symptoms can mostly be treated with tablets, provided a proper assessment is done. Negligence may lead to worsening of symptoms and infections of the bladder or kidney, and sometimes deterioration of kidney function.

Medindia offers a free
Prostate Self Assessment Calculator to evaluate the severity of your symptoms. This quick assessment will help you find out if you need to consult your doctor or Urologist for further advice.
Recommended Readings on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Prostatitis is a painful inflammation of the prostate gland. Use this anonymous test to find out if you have symptoms of prostatitis and calculate the severity of the symptoms.
Did u know that simple changes in lifestyle could lower your cancer risks? Find out how!
A plateful of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and legumes is the best diet to fight most types of cancer. Avoid meat and saturated fats.
Every cigarette you smoke is causing irreversible damage to your body; slowly killing you from the inside. It also endangers those around you, your family and children.
Prostate cancer is fast gaining as a common cancer form among men; more threatening since its symptoms often go unnoticed until it's too late. This quiz tests your knowledge on prostate cancer, its diagnosis and treatment options and is as ...
Interactive section of Medindia gives information regarding Surgery of prostate gland
Interactive section of Medindia defines prostate gland location
Interactive section of Medindia gives the symptoms of Prostate Gland Enlargement
Interactive section of Medindia gives details regarding Prostate Cancer
Treatment options of prostate cancer includes waiting, surgery, radiation, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, cryosurgery or biologic therapy.
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test and Digital Rectal Examination are two tests that allow detection of prostate cancer at early stages.
Encyclopedia section of medindia gives general information about prostate gland
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis during sexual performance. Erectile dysfunction causes, symptoms, treatment, diagnosis discussed in detail.
Worried about your sexual performance? Use this anonymous self-assessment screening test to calculate your impotence score and find out if you need to consult an expert doctor. Impotence affects approx. 40% of men who are 40.
Find out how many times you have had sexual intercourse in your lifetime. Also read top ten stimulating sex facts.
Are you curious to know how your sexual intercourse performance compares to others - use our calculator to find out.
World Cancer Death Clock is a dynamic calculator that constantly updates the number of people in the world dying due to various cancers.
What are your chances for developing some common cancers in your lifetime - find out now.
Use these Health Screening Guidelines that list the medical conditions you should be screened for in your next health check-up.
Dear Dr,
I am feeling some time uneasiness and some what dryness in tongue if i take anything for eating or sleeping a while will calm down. what it is and is it a symptom of any disease. I am worried i want to take care before it became chronic. I am sedentary person walking or exercise is nil. if i go up by staircase i have serious up and down in my breathing and it will take some times to calm down. please suggest me what should i do to come up these uneasiness.