
Frame Size Calculator

The ideal weight of a person depends not on their height but on the size of their skeletal frame, as bone structures differ in both size and density among individuals and between genders. Therefore, it's advisable to determine your body frame size using this calculator before starting a diet plan for weight loss. Body frame size can be assessed using either wrist circumference or elbow breadth (1 Trusted Source
Relations between frame size and body composition and bone mineral status

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To measure your wrist circumference, find the point just below your wrist bone, which is the narrowest part of the wrist, and measure it here for the most accurate result (2 Trusted Source
Calculating body frame size

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Enter Your Details
Gender * Male Female
Height * cm (or) Inches
Wrist Circumference * cm (or) Inches
* Required
Wrist Measurement
Elbow breadth measurement:
This can be a little bit cumbersome if you are doing it on yourself and do not have any help.
The person is made to stand straight facing the examiner.
The right arm is extended forward till it is perpendicular to the body.
Then the forearm is lifted up to form 90 degree with fingers pointing upward.
The examiner then measures the greatest breadth of the elbow.
The frame sizes are categorized into three groups:
Small Frame if the elbow measurement is lesser than the value given in the table for a given height
Medium Frame if the elbow measurement ranges between the values given in the table for a given height
Large Frame if the elbow measurement is greater than the value given in the table for a given height


How to Measure Elbow circumference?

Measuring elbow circumference or breadth can be somewhat tricky, especially if you're doing it alone without assistance. Here's how it's typically done:
  1. Use a flexible measuring tape and you can measure either in centimeters or inches.
  2. The individual should stand upright, facing the person conducting the measurement.
  3. The right arm should be stretched forward so that it's perpendicular to the body.
  4. The forearm is then raised to create a 90-degree angle, with the fingers pointing upwards.
  5. The person measuring then determines the widest part of the elbow for the measurement (3 Trusted Source
    Body Measurements (Anthropometry)

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How to calculate Body Frame Size using 'Elbow circumference' measurement?

Refer to the height table below and then use the information to determine your frame size. The body frame size is categorized into three groups - small, medium and large. The calculation is fairly simple (4 Trusted Source
Elbow breadth as a measure of frame size for US males and females

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Small Frame

if the elbow measurement is lesser than the value given in the table for a given height.

Medium Frame

if the elbow measurement ranges between the values given in the table for a given height.

Large Frame

if the elbow measurement is greater than the value given in the table for a given height.
Female Elbow Measurements for Medium Frame
( ft and inches )
Elbow Breadth
( inches )
( cm )
Elbow Breadth
( cm )
4' 10" - 4' 11" 2-1/4" - 2-1/2" 146 - 148 5.7 - 6.4
5' 0" - 5' 3" 2-1/4" - 2-1/2" 150 - 158 5.7 - 6.4
5' 4" - 5' 7" 2-3/8" - 2-5/8" 160 - 168 6.0 - 6.7
5' 8" - 5' 11" 2-3/8" - 2-5/8" 170 - 178 6.0 - 6.7
6' 0" - 6' 4" 2-1/2" - 2-3/4" 180 - 190 6.3 - 7.0
Male Elbow Measurements for Medium Frame
( ft and inches )
Elbow Breadth
( inches )
( cm )
Elbow Breadth
( cm )
5' 2" - 5' 3" 2-1/2" - 2-7/8" 155 - 158 6.4 - 7.0
5' 4" - 5' 7" 2-5/8" - 2-7/8" 160 - 168 6.7 - 7.3
5' 8" - 5' 11" 2-3/4" - 2" 170 - 178 7.0 - 7.5
6' 0" - 6' 3" 2-3/4" - 3-1/8" 180 - 188 7.0 - 7.9
6' 4" - 6' 7" 2-7/8" - 3-1/4" 190 - 198 7.3 - 8.3

Implication of Body Frame Size on Health

Frame size is categorized into small, medium, and large and have various implications on health:
  1. Role of Genetics in Body Shape: Genetics largely determines one's baseline body type and shape, including bone structure, frame size, fat distribution, and metabolism. However, health outcomes can be influenced by lifestyle choices such as maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular exercise (5 Trusted Source
    Genetics of human body size and shape: body proportions and indices

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  2. Small Frame Size: Individuals with a smaller frame may have a lower body mass index (BMI) but this doesn't always indicate better health. They might still be at risk for conditions like osteoporosis, especially if they have low bone density.
  3. Medium Frame Size: Often considered as 'average', this frame size is generally associated with a balanced BMI. Health risks are typically standard and not specifically heightened due to frame size alone.
  4. Large Frame Size: Those with a larger frame might have a higher BMI, which can sometimes lead to misconceptions about their health status. A larger frame doesn't necessarily equate to obesity or poor health, but it may be associated with a higher risk of certain conditions like cardiovascular diseases or type 2 diabetes, particularly if excess weight is a factor.
  5. Apple and Pear Body Shapes: Any frame size can have an apple-shaped body, characterized by more fat around the abdomen or pear-shaped body, having more fat around the thighs. apple-shaped body are at a greater risk for heart disease, diabetes, and strokes. Those with a pear-shaped body might have a lower metabolic risk, but they are still at risk of metabolic syndrome (6 Trusted Source
    Metabolic Syndrome

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In all cases, it's important to remember that frame size is just one aspect of health. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper medical care are crucial for maintaining good health, regardless of frame size (7 Trusted Source
Maintaining a Healthy Weight

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FAQs on Body Frame Size?

1.  Can I change my body frame type?

The simple answer is no as it is determined by genetics and is inherited (8 Trusted Source
The Influence of Age and Sex on Genetic Associations with Adult Body Size and Shape: A Large-Scale Genome-Wide Interaction Study

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2. Is there an ideal frame size?

There is no "ideal" frame size as such, as frame size varies greatly among individuals and is largely determined by genetics and bone structure. What's considered healthy or ideal for one person might not be the same for another.

It's important to understand that different frame sizes can be healthy and normal. Health assessments, including those related to weight and fitness, should take into account an individual's unique frame size, rather than conforming to a universal standard. This perspective supports a more personalized and accurate approach to health and wellness.

3. If I am short will I be of large frame?

No, a short person can be small, medium, or large frame depending on their bone structure and muscle mass.

4.  Can I be tall and still be small frame?

Yes, as frame size depends not only on your height but also on bone structures and measurements.

5. Between frame size or waist size which has more implications on my health?

Waist size is a crucial measure for predicting health risks. A waist size of more than 35 inches in women and more than 40 inches in men is considered risky, indicating excessive visceral fat and making them prone to heart disease and diabetes (9 Trusted Source
Assessing Your Weight and Health Risk

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6. Why is frame size important?

Frame size can influence optimal weight ranges, nutritional needs, and health risks, and it plays a role in how individuals respond to diet and exercise.

7.  Does a larger frame mean I am unhealthy?

Not necessarily. People with larger frames can be just as healthy as those with smaller frames. It's more about overall body composition and lifestyle factors that determine health.

8. Is frame size considered in BMI calculations?

No, BMI calculations do not take frame size into account, which is why additional methods of body composition analysis are often recommended for a more accurate health assessment (10 Trusted Source
Body mass index (BMI)

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  • 1. Relations between frame size and body composition and bone mineral status
  • 2. Calculating body frame size
  • 3. Body Measurements (Anthropometry)
    ( )
  • 4. Elbow breadth as a measure of frame size for US males and females
  • 5. Genetics of human body size and shape: body proportions and indices
    ( )
  • 6. Metabolic Syndrome
    ( )
  • 7. Maintaining a Healthy Weight
  • 8. The Influence of Age and Sex on Genetic Associations with Adult Body Size and Shape: A Large-Scale Genome-Wide Interaction Study
  • 9. Assessing Your Weight and Health Risk
  • 10. Body mass index (BMI)
    ( )

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With male height 6' and wrist 7" your result says medium frame, but with male height 6' and wrist 6-7/8" [smaller wrist] your result says large frame. Please check your calculations.


Frame Size Calculator - Wrist Measurement unable to enter. it gives height values, unable to enter 37 inches


Wrist size says I am small frame but elbow size says I am medium framed so which am I??

wolfie77, United States

my wife has a child like elbow n i was wondering is there any possiable way of haven it fix.

jewel, Bangladesh

if wrist is 16.5 and height is 166.5 how i calculate. that calculator has no fraction number


Recommended Readings on Frame Size of body

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Do you wish to know your daily calorie intake? Counting calories is an effective way to prevent obesity. This is the right place for you to calculate the calories in the daily Indian meal.
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Are you underweight and want to know how to gain weight? Exercise or workouts can help you gain weight by increasing muscle mass. Read on to learn some exercises and tips to gain weight.
Diet and Nutrition for Healthy Weight Loss
Correct diet and a planned exercise regime is the mantra of healthy and sustainable weight loss.
 Weight Gain After Menopause
About 90% women experience weight gain or difficulty maintaining their usual weight after attaining menopause.
Height and Weight by Body Frame
Calculate the ideal weight for your height and your body frame using Medindia's precise height and weight by body frame for adults.
Body Fat Calculator
This calculator estimates your percentage body fat, your body type and the amount of calories you have to burn to lose 1% of your body fat and it uses U.S Navy's Hodgdon-Beckett formula.
Lean Body Mass (Weight)
Calculate the ideal lean body mass for your height.
Ideal Body Weight
India and China, which are epicenters of a booming economy, are now witnessing a steady rise in obesity. Globalization is the prime accused.

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Dr. Sunita Malhotra
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Pro Health Diet Clinic, Sector 37-C
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Dt. Vibha Palshetkar
MSc, PGDip
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DEHM,BEMS,MDEH, NDDY, MDAM, Ph.D. Honorary, DNHE, Doctorate of Natural Medicine / DNMA, Executive Therapist
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