Pneumonia - Prevalence & Deaths in India

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Fifty percent of the world’s pneumonia deaths occur in India which means approximately 3.7 lakh children die of pneumonia annually in India.

India’s under-five death toll is higher than the deaths in Nigeria, Congo and Pakistan put together.

The number of cases and deaths due to pneumonia in India for the years 2014 and 2015 are presented in the table below:
Year Male Female Total
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
2014 3,98,621 1552 3,13,407 1,047 7,12,028 2,599
2015 3,58,586 1,414 2,83,566 996 6,42,152 2410

Pneumonia is the number one killer of children, causing 18 percent of all child mortality in the world.

Pneumonia : State-wise Number of Cases & Deaths in India, 2015
Andhra Pradesh 21,606 14
Arunachal Pradesh 477 9
Assam 16,840 80
Bihar 36,642 12
Chhattisgarh 9,153 16
Goa 424 10
Gujarat 2,360 8
Haryana 8,020 2
Himachal Pradesh 22,157 120
Jammu. Div 18,739 5
Kashmir.Div 21,853 0
Jharkhand 6,278 5
Karnataka 18,496 275
Kerala 5,913 57
Madhya Pradesh 70,028 103
Meghalaya 2,216 45
Maharashtra 8,820 9
Manipur 2,102 1
Mizoram 2,175 44
Nagaland 745 0
Odisha 29,314 228
Punjab 11039 16
Rajasthan 1,08,427 128
Sikkim 145 0
Tamil Nadu 4191 33
Tripura 2,247 41
Telangana 21,805 22
Uttar Pradesh 84,428 351
Uttrakhand 17,989 7
West Bengal 43,028 351
A& N Island 98 13
Chandigarh 18,524 97
Delhi 24,599 412
D&N Haveli 164 20
Daman & Diu 73 1
Lakshadweep 28 0
Puduchery 1,009 21
Total 6,42,152 2,410

  1. Indian Academy Of Pediatrics, Recommendations For Protection Against, Prevention Of, And Treatment, Of Childhood Pneumonia
  2. National Health Profile 2016, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Gov’t of India.

Diseases in India

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