Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) - Prevalence and Management in India

Chrisy Ngilneii
Reviewed by The Medindia Review Team on Dec 01, 2017
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Chronic diseases account for 53 percent of all deaths in India.

The Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Registry of India - Report 2011, registered 63,538 CKD cases in India.

Gender-wise Distribution of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Cases in India - 2006 to 2011
Year Male Female
2006 8,801 4,215
2007 7,781 3,256
2008 8,251 3,398
2009 7,405 2,783
2010 6,412 2,656
2011 6,204 2,381

Health Statistics on Chronic Kidney Disease in India

Habit (Nephrotoxin) among chronic kidney disease patients
Tobacco Abuse 12,775 20.1 %
Alcohol 4505 7.1 %
NSAIDS 1761 2.8 %
Herbominerals 899 1.4 %
Other 103 0.2 %
NSAIDS: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Basic Diagnosis Number of Cases Percentage
Diabetic Nephropathy 19,626 30.9 %
Undetermined 10,980 17.3 %
CGN 8,472 13.3 %
Others 8,108 12.8 %
Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis 7,907 12.4 %
TID 4,301 6.8 %
Obstructive Uropathy 2,084 3.3 %
ADPKD 1,390 2.2 %
Reno-vascular Disease 504 0.8 %
Graft Dysfunction 166 0.3 %
Total 63, 538 100 %
CGN:Chronic glomerulonephritis
TID: Tubulointerstitial disease
ADPKD:Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

Current Management Number of Cases Percentage (%)
Conservative + Palliative 49,914 7.56 %
Dialysis - MHD 11,041 17.38 %
Dialysis - CAPD 1,390 2.19 %
Renal Transplantation 1,193 1.88 %
TOTAL 63,538 100 %

  1. Cumulative Annual Report 2011, CKD Registry of India.
Benefits of Registration

Diseases in India

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