Maternity and Child Health Activities-Targets and Achievement(1991-2007)

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Year Targets Achievement Percentage Targets Achievement Percentage
  T.T.(Preg.Women) D.P.T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1991-92 26.13 20.27 77.6 23.33 21.21 90.9
1992-93 27.01 21.45 79.4 24.29 22.00 90.6
1993-94 27.56 22.75 82.6 24.79 23.09 93.2
1994-95 27.53 23.07 83.8 24.77 23.40 94.5
1995-96 27.53 22.12 80.4 24.86 22.56 90.7
1996-97 28.11 22.98 81.8 25.40 23.25 91.5
1997-98 28.29 23.37 82.6 25.55 23.74 92.9
1998-99 27.75 23.28 83.9 25.12 23.55 93.7
1999-00 29.24 23.78 81.3 24.72 23.56 95.8
2000-01 28.81 24.73 85.3 24.35 24.58 100.9
2001-02 28.85 25.09 87.0 24.43 24.81 101.5
2002-03 29.76 24.22 81.4 25.20 24.53 97.4
2003-04 30.29 23.66 78.1 25.69 23.51 91.5
2004-05 30.25 23.88 78.9 25.69 24.10 93.8
2005-06 30.31 24.29 80.2 25.79 24.73 95.9
2006-07 30.5 24.90 79.0 26.03 24.64 94.7
1991-92 17.66 13.75 77.8 23.33 21.30 91.3
1992-93 18.16 14.13 77.8 24.29 22.12 91.0
1993-94 18.54 13.42 72.4 24.79 23.21 93.6
1994-95 21.45 14.56 67.9 24.77 23.58 95.2
1995-96 21.79 10.49 48.1 24.86 22.78 91.6
1996-97 22.17 13.77 62.1 25.40 23.55 92.7
1997-98 22.55 10.52 46.6 25.55 23.98 93.9
1998-99 23.59 12.69 53.8 25.12 23.93 95.3
1999-00 23.93 12.56 52.5 24.72 23.71 95.9
2000-01 24.32 17.58 72.4 24.35 24.87 102.1
2001-02 24.83 14.50 71.5 24.43 24.75 101.3
2002-03 23.04 15.95 69.2 25.20 24.57 97.5
2003-04 23.57 15.12 64.2 25.69 23.98 93.3
2004-05 26.42 16.76 63.4 25.69 24.21 94.2
2005-06 24.57 16.39 73.9 25.79 24.67 95.6
2006-07 NA NA NA 26.03 26.62 94.6
  B.C.G MEASLES (Below 1Years)
1991-92 23.33 21.67 92.9 23.33 19.83 85.0
1992-93 24.29 23.46 96.6 24.29 20.86 85.9
1993-94 24.79 24.09 97.2 24.79 21.95 88.5
1994-95 24.77 24.70 99.8 24.77 21.60 87.2
1995-96 24.86 24.13 97.1 24.86 20.54 82.6
1996-97 25.40 24.95 98.2 25.40 21.14 83.2
1997-98 25.55 25.42 99.5 25.55 21.92 85.8
1998-99 25.12 24.54 97.7 25.12 22.13 88.1
1999-00 24.72 25.12 101.6 24.72 22.20 89.8
2000-01 24.35 25.97 106.7 24.35 23.48 96.4
2001-02 24.43 26.03 106.5 24.43 23.45 96.0
2002-03 25.20 25.93 102.9 25.20 23.35 92.7
2003-04 25.69 25.70 100.5 25.69 21.99 85.6
2004-05 25.69 25.69 100.0 25.69 23.23 90.4
2005-06 25.79 26.72 103.6 25.79 23.97 92.9
2006-07 26.03 26.06 100.1 26.03 23.55 90.5
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