Density of Population in India 1901-2011

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Density of Population:

‘Density of Population’ is defined as the number of persons per square kilometer.

In the beginning of the twentieth century i.e. in 1901 the population density of India was as low as 77 persons per sq. km. It steadily increased in each decade to reach 382 persons per sq. km. in 2011.

The rate of increase in population density of India has exhibited a sharp decline during 2001-2011 (17.5 per cent) compared to 1991-2001 (21.7 per cent).

With a population density of 382/km2, India ranks 31st among the most densely populated countries in the world.

Even though India accounts for only 2.4% of surface area of the earth, it contributes 17.5% to the world population, which is extremely large. Where as USA, accounting for 7.2% of the earth’s surface area, contributes only 4.5% to the world population.

The table given below will provide population densities of India and its different states and union territories:

Population Density of India
Serial No.
India/ States/UT
- INDIA 324 382
1 Jammu and Kashmir 99 56
2 Himachal Pradesh 109 123
3 Punjab 482 550
4 Chandigarh (UT) 7903 9252
5 Uttaranchal 159 189
6 Haryana 477 573
7 Delhi (UT) 9294 9340
8 Rajasthan 165 201
9 Uttar Pradesh 689 828
10 Bihar 880 1102
11 Sikkim 76 86
12 Arunachal Pradesh 13 17
13 Nagaland 120 119
14 Manipur 107 122
15 Mizoram 42 52
16 Tripura 304 350
17 Meghalaya 103 132
18 Assam 340 397
19 West Bengal 904 1030
20 Jharkhand 338 414
21 Orissa 236 269
22 Chhatisgarh 154 189
23 Madhya Pradesh 196 236
24 Gujarat 258 308
25 Daman & Diu (UT) 1411 112
26 Dadra & Nagar Haveli (UT) 449 491
27 Maharashtra 314 365
28 Andhra Pradesh 275 308
29 Karnataka 275 319
30 Goa 363 394
31 Lakshadweep (UT) 1894 2013
32 Kerala 819 859
33 Tamil Nadu 478 555
34 Pondicherry (UT) 2029 2598
35 Andaman & Nicobar Islands (UT) 43 46

The following is a list of the Top Ten Most Densely Populated States of India. Bihar tops the list followed by West Bengal & Kerala.

S.No. States Population Density per square km
1 Bihar 1,102.4
2 West Bengal 1,029.2
3 Kerala 859.1
4 Uttar Pradesh 689
5 Haryana 573.4
6 Tamil Nadu 554.7
7 Punjab 550.1
8 Jharkhand 441.5
9 Assam 396.8
10 Goa 393.8

Bihar has the maximum density of population among the Indian states and the Union Territory with the highest population density is Delhi.

Arunachal Pradesh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands have the lowest population densities among the Indian states and union territories respectively.

Population Density of India in a chronological order
Density of population per sq km
1901 77
1911 82
1921 81
1931 90
1941 103
1951 117
1961 142
1971 177
1981 216
1991 274
2001 324
2011 382
Population density in different Regions, States and Union Territories:2001 and 2011
Region States and Union Territories# Number of States/ Union Territories Density (per
2001 2011
1 2 3 4 5
Northern Jammu & Kashmir
Himachal Pradesh
NCT of Delhi#
7 223 267
Central Uttrakhand
Uttar Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
4 347 417
Eastern Bihar
West Bengal
Andaman & Nicobar Islands#
6 525 625
North East Arunachal Pradesh
7 151 176
Western Gujarat
Daman & Diu#
Dadra & Nagar Haveli#
4 293 344
Southern Andra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
7 353 397
# - Union Territories
Source: Family Welfare Statistics in India - 2011 &

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