Categories of Visual Impairment in India

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Categories of Visual Impairment
CATEGORY Corrected
WHO Definition Working Indian Definition
0 6/6-6/18 Normal Normal Normal
1 <6/18- 6/60 Visual Impairment Low Vision Low Vision
2 <6/60- 3/60 Severe Visual Impairment Low Vision Blind
3 <3/60- 1/60 Blind Low Vision Blind
4 <1/60- PL Blind Low Vision Blind
5 NPL Blind Total Blindness Total Blindness

Blindness refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the following

   a. Total absence of sight.

   b. Visual acuity not exceeding 6/60* or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with best correcting lenses

   c. Limitation of field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse

   * 6/60- means one can see at 6 metres what someone with standard vision could see from 60 metres away.

In India a person with a VA < 6/60 is legally blind

Low Vision

Person with low vision means a person with impairment of vision of less than 6/18 to 6/60 with best correction in the better eye or impairment of field in any one of the following categories:

   a. Reduction of fields less than 50 degrees

   b. Heminaopia with macular involvement

   c. Altitudinal defect involving lower fields

Normal vision

20/20 is considered normal vision.

Categories of Visual Disability

Categories of Visual Correction
CATEGORY Better Eye Worse Eye % Age Impairment
Category 0 6/9-6/18 6/24 to 6/36 20%
Category I 6/18-6/36 6/20 to Nil 40%
Category II 6/40-4/60 or field of vision 10o-20o 3/60 to Nil 75%
Category III 3/60 to 1/60 or field of vision 10o F.C. at 1 ft. to Nil 100%
Category IV F.C. at 1 ft. to Nil or field of vision 10o F.C. at ft. to Nil 100%
One eyed person F.C. at 1 ft. to Nil or field of vision 10o 6/6 30%

F.C. means Finger Count.

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