

Indian Baby Names - Boys

An exhaustive alphabetical Listings of baby names of boys with their meaning. Do remember that you can make multiple selection and send the names also to family and friends.

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In Alphabet - a (189) Names
Name Meaning Select
Aadesh Message
Aadhira Moon
Aadi Important
Aadil Just
Aaditya Sun
Aakaar Shape
Aakash Sky
Aamir Populous; Full; Prosperous
Aarif Acquainted; Knowledgable
Aashish Blessing
Aasim Protector
Aatish Fireworks
Abaan Old Arabic name
Abbas Description of a lion
Abdul-Azeez Servant of the Mighty; the Powerful
Abdul-Baari Servant of the Creator
Abdul-Ghafoor Servant of the Forgiver
Abdul-Haafiz Servant of the Protector
Abdul-Hameed Servant of the Praiseworthy; the Ever-Praised
Abdul-Haseeb Servant of the Respected; Esteemed