

Indian Baby Names - Boys

An exhaustive alphabetical Listings of baby names of boys with their meaning. Do remember that you can make multiple selection and send the names also to family and friends.

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In Alphabet - a (189) Names
Name Meaning Select
Animesh Bright
Anirudh Boundless
Anirvan Undying
Anirvinya A name of God Vishnu
Anish Lord Krishna
Anjas Fortright
Anjor Bright
Ankur Glow
Ankush Control
Anmol Priceless
Anna Food
Annuabhuj Lord Shiva
Anoop Without compare;Uncomparable
Anram Continuous
Ansh Portion
Anshul Sunny
Anshuman Sun
Anuj Younger Brother
Anupam Unique; Uncomparable
Anurag Love