Even though omega-3 deficiencies are crucial for mental and physical health in UK children, they have become commonplace.

‘#Omega3 deficiencies in the diet have become commonplace among children in the UK, despite the vital role these nutrients play in both #mental and physical health and well-being. #vitamindeficiency ’

Addressing Omega-3 Deficiencies in UK Children
With most children in the UK consuming less than half the recommended intake of omega-3 fats, a team led by the University’s School of Psychology has received an £81,000 grant to investigate whether omega-3 supplements can help.The study is being independently funded by The Waterloo Foundation and is a collaboration with Food and Behaviour (FAB) Research, a UK-based charity dedicated to advancing scientific research into the links between nutrition and human behavior.
The team is looking for children aged 6-12 from the mainland of the United Kingdom to take part in the study, which can be completed entirely online, with participants given a three-month supply of easy-to-swallow supplements in the post.
Parents and guardians will also be asked to complete questionnaires on their children’s behavior before and after taking the supplements, noting any changes in behavior, including mood and sleep.
Dr Hayley Young, Principal Investigator of the project, said: “Dietary omega-3 deficiencies have become the norm in UK children, despite the critical importance of these nutrients for mental as well as physical health and wellbeing. And we already know that a lack of sufficient omega-3 predicts the behavior, mood and learning difficulties of many different children."
- Does Omega 3 Boost Kids’ Mental Health and Behavior? - (https://neurosciencenews.com/omega-3-child-behavior-26034/)