Reshma Anand's Profile

B.Tech, M. E.

Reshma Anand

Her broad concerns for environmental issues have led her to pursue masters in environmental engineering. She loves to cook, and her long-term goal is to become an entrepreneur.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Ending Discrimination of the Mentally Challenged

Ending Discrimination of the Mentally Challenged

Alarming facts about stigma and discrimination against mental health patients in our society with ways on how to combat this scourge.

Health In Focus
Assessment of Acute Malnutrition Among Children

Assessment of Acute Malnutrition Among Children

Acute malnutrition affects about 55 million children under the age of 5 years globally, and is also responsible for an alarming 35% of deaths.

Health In Focus
Kidney Stone Prevalence Among Adolescents On the Rise

Kidney Stone Prevalence Among Adolescents On the Rise

The incidence of kidney stones is increasing considerably with a significant increase among adolescents, prompting swift action to control risk factors.

Health In Focus
Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders involve extreme attitudes and behaviors towards food and weight. It has the highest suicidal mortality rate than other mental illnesses.

Disease & Condition
Caring for a Premature Baby

Caring for a Premature Baby

A baby born at 37 weeks or earlier is termed premature or “preemie.” The premature baby requires special care and attention in an NICU as well as at home.

Disease & Condition