Hannah Joy's Profile


Hannah Joy

Hannah hails from Hyderabad and has received Master of Philosophy Degree in Food Service Management and Dietetics from Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about teaching, mentoring and counseling. Hannah likes to travel, explore and is adventurous. She aspires to pursue her Ph.D view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Beauty Regime for All Skin Types

Beauty Regime for All Skin Types

Tend to your skin at least twice every day, i.e., follow the AM-PM skincare routine. At the age of 30, your skin needs more help, so you need to do more.

Lifestyle and Wellness News
Pesticides and Thyroid Cancer: Is There a Link?

Pesticides and Thyroid Cancer: Is There a Link?

Exposure to pesticides, such as paraquat dichloride, glyphosate and oxyfluorfen, increase the risk of thyroid cancer.

Health Watch
Why Each COVID Wave Affects the Human Body Differently?

Why Each COVID Wave Affects the Human Body Differently?

COVID-19 changed people's metabolism over time, with the first wave disrupting metabolites differently from the second one.

Coronavirus News
Misophonia: New Insights

Misophonia: New Insights

People with misophonia feel irritated, angry, disgusted and a desire to flee when they hear certain sounds.

Health Watch
Can Japanese Herbal Medicine Prevent Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

Can Japanese Herbal Medicine Prevent Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

Dai-kenchu-to (DKT) is a Japanese herbal medicine used to treat various illnesses. The herb helps prevent the gut from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Health Watch