Shaun DMello's Profile


Shaun DMello

Shaun, an alumni of St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, has spent the bulk of his decade-long content development career focused on health and wellness content, both as a writer and an editor. He is driven by a love for science and a passion for writing.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Otitis Externa / Swimmer's Ear Infection

Otitis Externa / Swimmer's Ear Infection

Otitis externa, also commonly referred as Swimmer''s Ear, is an inflammatory condition that affects the external ear canal, which is the passage that connects the eardrum to the outer visible ear.

Disease & Condition


Rashes of the skin are usually not threatening, but they can be a source of great discomfort. Find out what causes skin rashes in children, babies and adults and how you can treat them.

Disease & Condition
Health Benefits of Orange

Health Benefits of Orange

Orange is one of the most nutritious food known to man. In addition to the high levels of vitamin C, it has some amazing health benefits like improved digestive health, weight loss, lowering the risk of colon cancer and heart disease.

Diet Articles
Barth Syndrome

Barth Syndrome

Barth Syndrome is a rare congenital genetic disorder caused by an abnormality in the X chromosome. Find out about the symptoms, causes and treatment of the condition.

Disease & Condition
Health Benefits of Whole Grain Oats

Health Benefits of Whole Grain Oats

A wholesome breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Did you know that whole grain oats are one of the most popular breakfast cereals? Find out what makes it a healthy breakfast cereal.

Diet Articles