Rishika Gupta's Profile

B.Sc (Anesthesia Technology)

Rishika Gupta

Rishika hails from Agra, UP and has made Chennai her home. She has recently completed her Bachelor's in Anesthesia Technology from Amrita School of Medicine, Kochi, Kerala. She is passionate in bringing about a positive change in the society and is in pursuit of doing her post graduation. She is a view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

 Relationship With Close Friends Linked To Smoking Behavior In Vocational Students

Relationship With Close Friends Linked To Smoking Behavior In Vocational Students

Having close friends who are smokers could initiate smoking in regular students, finds a new study.

Research News
Every Day Lives Are Getting Seriously Affected By Smartphones: Study

Every Day Lives Are Getting Seriously Affected By Smartphones: Study

Nearly every 1 in 5 women is reporting being less productive and more sleepy because of their phones.

Lifestyle and Wellness News
Molecular Ways To Control Chronic Infection Discussed

Molecular Ways To Control Chronic Infection Discussed

Two proteins have been found to act as gatekeepers to dampen a potentially life-threatening immune response to chronic infection.

Research News
 Sleep Naturally Prevents The Accumulation of Alzheimer's Disease-Causing Proteins

Sleep Naturally Prevents The Accumulation of Alzheimer's Disease-Causing Proteins

Sleep has been found to be metabolic cleaner for amyloid beta proteins that are usually responsible for Alzheimer's disease.

Research News
 Many Takers For Colorectal Cancer Screening Kit Sent by Mail

Many Takers For Colorectal Cancer Screening Kit Sent by Mail

When patients do not keep up with colorectal cancer screenings, the risk of death gets substantially higher and so a new idea to mail them the kit was suggested by Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

Research News