Dr. Simi Paknikar's Profile


Dr. Simi Paknikar

Dr. Simi Paknikar is an MD in Pharmacology with professional experience of over a decade, that includes medical writing, teaching and conducting quality audits for medical services companies. Dr Paknikar is passionate about educating consumers about health and keeps abreast of the latest medical view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Rotator Cuff Injury

Rotator Cuff Injury

Rotator cuff injury can be a tendinitis, a strain, or a tear of the rotator cuff muscles. The rotator cuff is made up of four tendons that fuse to surround the shoulder joint.

Disease & Condition
Hypermobility Syndrome

Hypermobility Syndrome

Hypermobility Syndrome is a condition in which a person can move his joints far beyond the normal range.

Disease & Condition


Exomphalos is a birth disorder in which the abdominal contents herniate into the umbilical cord through the umbilical ring.

Disease & Condition
Snoring Symptom Evaluation

Snoring Symptom Evaluation

People, who normally do not snore, tend to do so after a bout of drinking, viral infections or after taking certain medications.

Headache Symptom Evaluation

Headache Symptom Evaluation

A headache could vary in features according to the cause.
