Dr. Simi Paknikar's Profile


Dr. Simi Paknikar

Dr. Simi Paknikar is an MD in Pharmacology with professional experience of over a decade, that includes medical writing, teaching and conducting quality audits for medical services companies. Dr Paknikar is passionate about educating consumers about health and keeps abreast of the latest medical view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Recreational Drugs are not Completely Safe

Recreational Drugs are not Completely Safe

Recreational drugs are commonly used in rave parties. Serotonin syndrome can occur in patients taking N-benzylpiperazine.

Drug Related Articles
Structure of Male Urethra

Structure of Male Urethra

The male urethra consists of three main parts – the prostatic urethra, the membranous urethra and the spongy urethra.

Muscle Cramps Symptom Evaluation

Muscle Cramps Symptom Evaluation

Muscle cramps occur commonly and result in temporary pain in the muscles. They are often due to overuse of muscles or dehydration.

Worst Foods in Your Fridge - Slideshow

Worst Foods in Your Fridge - Slideshow

A presentation about the ten worst food items stocked up in refrigerators that induce risks of heart problems, obesity, stroke and high blood pressure in humans of all age groups.

Slide Show
Stop Biting Nails

Stop Biting Nails

"This movie has a ''nail biting suspense''," clichés like this acknowledge that nail biting is associated with stress and nervousness – but can it end with the movie is a big question.

Beauty Tips