Adeline Dorcas's Profile

M.Sc, M.Phil

Adeline Dorcas

Adeline Dorcas is an alumni of Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about teaching and writing. She loves spending time with family and friends.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Bye Bye Hearing Loss: Google is Ready to Create AI-based Personalized Hearing Aids

Bye Bye Hearing Loss: Google is Ready to Create AI-based Personalized Hearing Aids

Google is ready to develop personalized hearing aids using artificial intelligence (AI) to benefit millions of people with hearing difficulties. Let's say goodbye to hearing loss.

News on IT in Healthcare
AI Moves One Step Closer to Simplify Hepatitis and COVID-19 Tests

AI Moves One Step Closer to Simplify Hepatitis and COVID-19 Tests

Artificial intelligence (AI) could one day help develop simple and reliable at home tests for detecting hepatitis and COVID-19.

News on IT in Healthcare
Let's Check Out the Best Treatment for Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

Let's Check Out the Best Treatment for Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

People with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can get rid of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) by taking solriamfetol and anti-fatigue drugs like armodafinil–modafinil and pitolisant.

Drug News
Big Nose: an Ancestry Gift From Neanderthals

Big Nose: an Ancestry Gift From Neanderthals

Hate your nose shape? Taller nose in humans may be inherited from Neanderthals.

Research News
Blame Your Culture, Diet, Lifestyle and Economic Factors for Heart Disease Risk

Blame Your Culture, Diet, Lifestyle and Economic Factors for Heart Disease Risk

Differences in culture, genetics, diet, lifestyle, and other factors are to be blamed for the rise in heart disease and type 2 diabetes among Asian Americans.

Heart Disease News