Suchitra Chari's Profile

M.S. M.Sc.

Suchitra Chari

Suchitra has completed her M.S. in Pharmacology at Northeastern University, Boston in addition to B. Pharmacy and M.Sc Biological Sciences from BITS Pilani. She is currently pursuing the AMWA (American Medical Writer's Association) Essential Skills Certification course. She has around 12 years of view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Short Bowel Syndrome

Short Bowel Syndrome

Short bowel syndrome is a rare disorder that occurs due to the physical or functional loss of a part of small intestine resulting in reduced ability of the body to absorb nutrients from food.

Disease & Condition
FDA Approves Drugs for Hepatitis C Infected Older Children

FDA Approves Drugs for Hepatitis C Infected Older Children

The US FDA has approved the use of sofosbuvir and sofusbuvir-ledipasvir combination for hepatitis C in children over 12 years of age.

Health In Focus
Novel Therapy For Cardiomyopathy : Patient’s Own Thigh Muscle Cells

Novel Therapy For Cardiomyopathy : Patient’s Own Thigh Muscle Cells

Transplant of autologous skeletal myoblast cell-sheet derived from patients’ thigh muscle could be a potential treatment for cardiomyopathy.

Health In Focus
A Brand New Type of Insulin Producing Cells Identified

A Brand New Type of Insulin Producing Cells Identified

A new source of insulin producing cells, paving the way for a potential cure for type 1 diabetes, has been discovered by scientists at the University of California.

Health In Focus
Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is the influence that a peer can have on an individual that makes him change his attitude and behavior to match that of the influencing peer.

Lifestyle Articles