Dr. Namitha Kumar's Profile


Dr. Namitha Kumar

Namitha A Kumar has a PhD in psychology from the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) focusing on the cognitive aspects of disability. She works in the field of rare, genetic disorders and currently, develops all the medical content for the Open Platform for Rare Diseases (OPFORD).

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Sebia Introduces Its Hemoglobin Atlas

Sebia Introduces Its Hemoglobin Atlas

Hemoglobinopathies are inherited single-gene disorders leading to production of abnormal hemoglobin or low hemoglobin.

Health In Focus
 World Autism Awareness Day 2015

World Autism Awareness Day 2015

World Autism Awareness Day is marked to raise awareness about autism and sensitize communities to be able to positively include people with autism in education, employment and in the public sphere.

Health Watch
World Tuberculosis Day 2015

World Tuberculosis Day 2015

World Tuberculosis Day (WTBD) is observed on 24 March each year. WTBD is intended to raise public awareness of the deadly disease that causes 1.5 million deaths each year.

Health In Focus
The Controversy of Cancer as Biological Bad Luck: The Preventable Causes

The Controversy of Cancer as Biological Bad Luck: The Preventable Causes

Though recent research points out two-thirds of all cancers are biological bad luck, there are enough preventable measures we can follow.

Health In Focus
Sugar Substitutes Trigger Glucose Intolerance

Sugar Substitutes Trigger Glucose Intolerance

Sugar substitutes thought to be safe sugar alternatives can trigger glucose intolerance and increase blood glucose levels.

Health In Focus