Child Health News

Medindia's Press Release’ section provides the latest press release on Child Health from across the world for the global audience. This page links to 2463 Child Health press releases.

Newborn Screening Now in 21 States for Life-Threatening Immune Disease

With the recent addition of newborn screening for Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID) in New Jersey and Illinois , approximately two-thirds of all babies born in the U.S. will be screened for this deadly disease. SCID is a primary ...

Staten Island Pediatrician Suggests Children Who Follow The Mediterranean Diet Are 15 Percent Less Likely To Be Obese

Childhood obesity is a grave epidemic in the U.S. and around the world. Dr. Michael Gabriel, a leading Staten Island pediatrician, discusses a recent study suggesting that children who follow the Mediterranean diet are 15% less likely to be obese. ...

Incontinence and Crippling Fatigue Disrupts Education and Ruins Job Prospects for Children with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Debilitating daily symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) not only cause depression and psychological complications in young people, but also significantly disrupts their education and ability to stay at work. In response to a new study ...

Arthritis Foundation Affirms Commitment To Families of Children With Juvenile Arthritis

The Arthritis Foundation Provides Life-Changing Support during Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month in July and Throughout the Year. Juvenile arthritis (JA ) is one of the most common, chronic childhood diseases in the U.S., affecting nearly ...

Staten Island Pediatrician Discusses The Importance of Choosing a Doctor For Your Newborn

Choosing a doctor for your newborn baby is one of the first important decisions that you will make as a parent and can be an intimidating process. Dr. Michael Gabriel, a Staten Island pediatrician gives his advice on the topic. Dr. Michael ...

Staten Island Pediatrician Gives Tips on How To Prevent Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is a common skin irritation for newborns, Dr. Michael Gabriel, a Staten Island pediatrician, offers his advice and some tips on how to prevent diaper rash. Dr. Michael Gabriel of GPM Pediatrics, a Staten Island Pediatric Center ...

Brooklyn Pediatrician Shares How to Reduce Seasonal Allergy Risks in Babies

Dr. Michael Gabriel, a leading Brooklyn pediatrician, reveals how exposure to dust mite extract can significantly decrease the risk of seasonal allergies in babies. Dr. Michael Gabriel of GPM Pediatrics , a Brooklyn pediatrics center, ...

Staten Island Pediatrician Urges Parents to Ensure Kids Are Drinking Enough Water

During the summer months when kids are out of school and often outdoors running around, it is extremely important that parents and caretakers monitor their children's water intake to prevent dehydration. Dr. Michael Gabriel, a Staten Island ...

Social Network Announces Groundbreaking Behavior Analysis Help For Autism Community

Autism-U ( ) announces its game-changing science-based social network where parents and teachers are invited to access the most comprehensive online assessment tool for early intervention for individuals with intellectual ...

Brooklyn Pediatrician Addresses Kiddie Pool Health Risks

Many families with small children spend the summer in and around kiddie pools. Dr. Michael Gabriel, a Staten Island Pediatrician, addresses health risks that are associated with kiddie pools. Michael Gabriel of GPM Pediatrics , a Brooklyn ...

Child Health News »

Severity of Autism: Brain Overgrowth in Fetus Determines Its Extent!

Severity of Autism: Brain Overgrowth in Fetus Determines Its Extent!

The extent of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) varies across children. Certain children diagnosed with ASD, also known as autism , may face significant challenges throughout their lives, such as delays in development, difficulties in ...

India’s Efforts to Combat Child Food Poverty

India’s Efforts to Combat Child Food Poverty

India has successfully reduced the disparity in severe child food poverty between poorer and wealthier households by at least 5 percentage points over the last decade ( ). The other countries with severe food poverty among children include ...

Kids Bear the Brunt of Thirdhand Smoke

Kids Bear the Brunt of Thirdhand Smoke

Children are the most susceptible to third-hand smoke ( ) pollutants that linger indoors after tobacco is smoked. World No Tobacco Day is observed every year on May 31 to raise awareness about the health risks of using tobacco . Thirdhand smoke ...

Early Introduction of Peanuts Reduces Allergy Risk in Children

Early Introduction of Peanuts Reduces Allergy Risk in Children

Regularly feeding children peanuts from infancy to age five decreased the likelihood of developing a peanut allergy in adolescence by 71%, persisting even when dietary habits regarding peanuts varied over the years ...

Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and Childhood: Effects on Mental Health

Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and Childhood: Effects on Mental Health

Higher fluoride levels in pregnant women are associated with an increased likelihood of their children exhibiting neurobehavioral problems by age 3, according to a new study conducted by a researcher from the University of Florida College of Public ...

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