Child Health News

Medindia's Press Release’ section provides the latest press release on Child Health from across the world for the global audience. This page links to 2463 Child Health press releases.

Short-Term Study of Ecopipam Shows Reduction of Tics in Children with Tourette Syndrome

A recent study evaluating the efficacy and safety of a pharmaceutical treatment, ecopipam, for children with Tourette syndrome (TS), showed promising initial results, according to a study released today at the International Congress of ...

In Time for World Suicide Prevention Day - How Life Coaching for Kids Helps Children Build Mental Fitness

Mindset skills are the key to mental fitness for children. Learn how life coaches for kids are playing a critical role in filling the gap in children's education. Get special report to learn more. AUSTIN, Texas , Sept. 8, 2022 ...

Non-invasive skin immune biomarker test helps predict development of eczema in babies, new study presented at the EADV Congress finds

MILAN , Sept. 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Researchers have identified an immune biomarker in newborns that can predict the subsequent onset and severity of paediatric atopic eczema, a new study presented at the 31 st European Academy of ...

Standard Process Introduces Children's Immune Supplement Just in Time for Back-to-School

Nutritional supplement delivers key nutrients for proper immune system functioning and development in children PALMRY, Wis. , Aug. 31, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Prevention is the best cure. This is a popular school of thought, and an ...

Three steps to help kids with back-to-school anxiety shared by Life Coaching for Kids Expert, Renaye Thornborrow

Use the three steps for managing change to help children tame back-to-school anxiety and create success in the new school year! AUSTIN, Texas , Aug. 25, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- As millions of children return to school, anxiety, ...

Back to School Hearing Checkup: ASHA Offers Information to Families on Hearing Loss, Hearing Protection as Children Return to Classrooms

Left Untreated, Hearing Loss Can Hamper Learning ROCKVILLE, Md. , Aug. 25, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is urging parents to focus on their children's hearing this back-to-school ...

Children's Growth Awareness Week to focus on growth disorders

The MAGIC Foundation boosts awareness of children's growth problems Sept. 18-24 CHICAGO , Aug. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- Height is nature's early warning signal — a potential visual alarm for parents and physicians. Growth can be ...

Biovancia Announces Partnership with Rêves to Help Fulfill the Dreams of Critically Ill Children

Today, Biovancia announced their partnership with Rêves to help fulfill the dreams of critically ill children; Biovancia went on to urge other companies to join them as a Rêves sponsor. NEW YORK , Aug. 20, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- ...

How Extended Screen Time Can Affect Your Child's Vision and Ways to Encourage a "Screen Staycation" this Summer

Haylie Duff and Children's Optometrist Share Why Summer Vacation  is for Sun, Fun and a Tech Time-Out ST. LOUIS , Aug. 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- BACKGROUND: While summer is the time for vacation, it can also be when kids ...

Genomenon Partners with Rady Children's Institute for Genomic Medicine on Newborn Screening by Next Generation Sequencing

Genomenon's AI-driven genomic data provides comprehensive, actionable insight into treatable rare diseases ANN ARBOR, Mich. , Aug. 2 , 2022    Genomenon, Inc. , an AI-driven genomics company, announced a partnership with Rady Children's ...

Child Health News »

Severity of Autism: Brain Overgrowth in Fetus Determines Its Extent!

Severity of Autism: Brain Overgrowth in Fetus Determines Its Extent!

The extent of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) varies across children. Certain children diagnosed with ASD, also known as autism , may face significant challenges throughout their lives, such as delays in development, difficulties in ...

India’s Efforts to Combat Child Food Poverty

India’s Efforts to Combat Child Food Poverty

India has successfully reduced the disparity in severe child food poverty between poorer and wealthier households by at least 5 percentage points over the last decade ( ). The other countries with severe food poverty among children include ...

Kids Bear the Brunt of Thirdhand Smoke

Kids Bear the Brunt of Thirdhand Smoke

Children are the most susceptible to third-hand smoke ( ) pollutants that linger indoors after tobacco is smoked. World No Tobacco Day is observed every year on May 31 to raise awareness about the health risks of using tobacco . Thirdhand smoke ...

Early Introduction of Peanuts Reduces Allergy Risk in Children

Early Introduction of Peanuts Reduces Allergy Risk in Children

Regularly feeding children peanuts from infancy to age five decreased the likelihood of developing a peanut allergy in adolescence by 71%, persisting even when dietary habits regarding peanuts varied over the years ...

Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and Childhood: Effects on Mental Health

Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and Childhood: Effects on Mental Health

Higher fluoride levels in pregnant women are associated with an increased likelihood of their children exhibiting neurobehavioral problems by age 3, according to a new study conducted by a researcher from the University of Florida College of Public ...

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