Dr. Hena Mariam's Profile


Dr. Hena Mariam

Dr. Hena Mariam has completed her bachelors of dental surgery and is currently practicing in a well-established dental practice. She is passionate about healthcare and making a difference in people's lives. Her hobbies include traveling, films, and exploring different cuisines.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

The COVID-19 Vaccine You Received Could Affect Your Risk of Heart Inflammation

The COVID-19 Vaccine You Received Could Affect Your Risk of Heart Inflammation

Heart inflammation (Myocarditis) after 2nd dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine was higher when compared to Pfizer.

Health Watch
Milk and Dairy Linked to Increased Heart Disease

Milk and Dairy Linked to Increased Heart Disease

Dairy products may increase the risk of myocardial infarction and death in patients with stable angina pectoris.

Health Watch
Can Your Sleep Problems Lead to Glaucoma and Blindness

Can Your Sleep Problems Lead to Glaucoma and Blindness

Disturbances in sleep may be associated with higher risk of permanent loss of vision due to glaucoma according to a 11-year study.

Health Watch
Health Ministry Refuses to Pass a Bill Protecting Doctors Against Violence

Health Ministry Refuses to Pass a Bill Protecting Doctors Against Violence

In response to RTI enquiry, Centre has no plans to pass bill on violence against doctors

India Special
9 Facts on Obesity

9 Facts on Obesity

Obesity is a growing global health problem. Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may damage your health.

Health Facts