Dr. Hena Mariam's Profile


Dr. Hena Mariam

Dr. Hena Mariam has completed her bachelors of dental surgery and is currently practicing in a well-established dental practice. She is passionate about healthcare and making a difference in people's lives. Her hobbies include traveling, films, and exploring different cuisines.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Reinfections of COVID-19 can Cause Organ Failure

Reinfections of COVID-19 can Cause Organ Failure

Reinfections of COVID-19 increases chances of organ failure and death.

Health Watch
Can Smartphones Cause Allergies?

Can Smartphones Cause Allergies?

Allergens found on the Screen of Smartphones could be making people sick.

Health Watch
High Blood Pressure Increases Risk of COVID-19

High Blood Pressure Increases Risk of COVID-19

Risk of COVID-19 decreases with control of hypertension

Health Watch
Relationship Between Obesity, Parkinson’s Disease and Pesticides

Relationship Between Obesity, Parkinson’s Disease and Pesticides

Your hormones can be negatively impacted by the use of pesticides and lead to chronic obesity and Parkinson’s Disease.

Health Watch
Painkillers may Cause Problems in Conception

Painkillers may Cause Problems in Conception

Use of painkillers and increased age may delay conception in people having inflammation of joints and spine.

Health Watch