

Latest Comments on Surgical Procedure - Incisional Hernias

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i am 54 years lady at present i have an incisional Hernia, 4 years back i had undergone operation uterus removing whether immediate surgery is required but i don't have any pain
murugu123 - India12/11/2013
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10 days Post op from ingiunal repair recurrence and femoral hernia repair (same side). Cement Twinkie at the surgery site. Anyone? I am a 42 y/o female.
Sarahsue - United States2/4/2013
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My 73 yr old mother needs umbilical hernia repair. Skeptical about medical procedures, she is put it off til it is bigger. Does not like idea of Biologic implants. What is safest mesh material to use? Or, in general, which mesh material has the least complications / lawsuits ? Polypropylene, polyester,...what ? Thank you for any anticipated answer.
Marc_Twain - United States1/23/2013
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I am scheduled to have a rather large Incisional Hernia repaired, because it is such a large hernia my surgeon has recommended using MESH. I have heard a lot of negative things regarding MESH and do not know which Mesh would be the safest to use. Do you have some suggestions on which MESH would be best?
I did express my concerns to my surgeon but there was no recommendation. Also I was told that if you could have a Cosmetic Surgeon join in with your Surgeon you may have much better results. Is this true?
Squeeker - United States10/5/2012
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Hi also had umbilical hernia repair surgery 2 months ago and am experiencing burning sensation and pain around the incision. I am passing gas frequently and feel tired often. Have had issues with bloating and pain in the upper part of my stomach for some time and have been told there may be some adhesions. Its just a pity the Doctors do not tell you much about the recovery process and they make you think the surgery is just a simple procedure.
akab66 - Ghana9/24/2011
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I'm 2 months post op from having a ALIF. Just recently, i'm experiencing a burning, sharp pain along the right side of incinsion when I pull or twist. I'm trying to determine if its a small hernia or adhension. I'm having bowel movements, but they are labored, but that accredited pain meds. I also pass gas frequently. I never have have nausea or bloating. No noticeable lump in the are area of pain.
woody31173 - United States9/14/2011
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i lifted a window fan out of the window without thinking .. i had open hernia surgery 9 days ago. i have no pain but considering no lifting over 10 pounds i am worried i may have hurt myself or pulled the mesh .. is this paranoia or would i really know if i did something .. i thin
nikki72 - Canada12/16/2010
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I have had 5 or 6 incisional hernia operations. Before the last surgery, I started getting hernias in my abdomen that weren't incisional. To correct this the surgeon did a vertical cut in my abdomen and put a large mesh which was attached to the sides of my stomach wall. He said he couldn't attach it at the bottom of my abdomen (pelvic area) because there were no muscles there, nothing to attach it to. So the hernias hang down across most of my stomach. I knew when I went home from the hospital that was what would happen because I didn't feel like the surgery worked. Now they are a lot bigger, partly because I used to have a very bad cough that I couldn't get rid of for years. I'm very overweight & surgeon said they could operate again if I lost a lot of weight. But, I feel, there still won't be anything to attach a mesh to! And, Jules4, I could feel it popping in & out when I coughed, too. I worry about it strangulating again but they don't hurt very often. But, since I've had all these surgeries, I don't have a bowel movement except once a week even when I take laxatives. I think because my intestines are crumpled up. Just thought I would share since I came across this site while searching for exercises that I could do with hernias.
TexasT - United States12/8/2010
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Had surgery 3 weeks ago and still my tummy is swollen as if the hernia is still there, Also when i cough i can feel it popping in and out still dont know if this is normal, as i did not even get to see a doctor after surgery and have not had post op appointment yet. My hernia was very large and i had open surgery but was not even kept in overnight the wound has healed well but i am aprehensive and do not feel that the surgery may have worked does anyone have similar experience or can anyone tell me if this is normal
jules4 - United Kingdom11/1/2010
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hi,ive an incisional hernia which is getting happened after my last of 3 opps.the first when my bowel burst leaving me with a colostomy,this was reversed leaving me with an illeostomy bag,then i had my last surgeon wont opp.the hernia because of all my scars and the risk it could cause.pleasecould you tell me if a hernia does weigh the bigger it gets.everyone says yes exept my e-mail address [email protected] would be very gratefull for any info.
joanliz50 - United Kingdom10/30/2010
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