Savitha C Muppala's Profile


Savitha C Muppala

Savitha has worked as a news editor for Medindia and helped with content enhancement.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Information about Chronic fatigue syndrome, or yuppie flu, which is a complex disorder, characterized by extreme fatigue, that seems to affect Americans more than AIDS, multiple sclerosis /lung cancer

Disease & Condition
Herbs for Weight Loss

Herbs for Weight Loss

When attempts to lose weight through conventional methods fail, many resort to herbs for weight loss. How do herbs help reduce obesity? How effective are they? Find out here.

Diet Articles
Road Traffic Accidents and Road Safety

Road Traffic Accidents and Road Safety

Road accidents are one of the significant causes of disability, injury and death in the world. Every hour, nearly 14 lives are lost due to road accidents in India.

Lifestyle Articles
Orgasm Myths and Facts

Orgasm Myths and Facts

Orgasm is defined as a culmination of a series of changes in the body during sexual intercourse, accompanied by pleasure of the highest intensity

Lifestyle Articles
Customer Care in Health Insurance Industry

Customer Care in Health Insurance Industry

Health Insurance Industry is a service-oriented industry with customer satisfaction and customer grievances being important components of its business operations. Both the issues – Customer satisfaction and Customer Grievances have been described in the article in co-relation with the health insurance sector.

Health Insurance