Hannah Joy's Profile


Hannah Joy

Hannah hails from Hyderabad and has received Master of Philosophy Degree in Food Service Management and Dietetics from Women's Christian College, Chennai. She is passionate about teaching, mentoring and counseling. Hannah likes to travel, explore and is adventurous. She aspires to pursue her Ph.D view more..

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Exercises, Massages and Relaxing Techniques for Pregnant Women

Exercises, Massages and Relaxing Techniques for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy exercises are instrumental in carving a healthy pregnancy journey. Pregnancy massages can aid in relaxation and reduce discomfort.

Lifestyle Articles
Benefits of Fox Nuts

Benefits of Fox Nuts

Fox nuts commonly known as Makhana are edible seeds, which can be used as a wholesome ingredient to your diet as it offers numerous health benefits from your head to toe. So, instead of buying a packet of chips and other junk foods, just grab a bowl of makhanas to stay fit and healthy.

Diet Articles
Black Water: Benefits and Uses

Black Water: Benefits and Uses

Black water is alkaline and has a high pH of 8. Consuming black water improves metabolism, hydration, and detoxification.

Diet Articles
Amazing 8 Tips to Get Your Kids to Eat More Veggies

Amazing 8 Tips to Get Your Kids to Eat More Veggies

Getting your kids to eat veggies can be a difficult task. We all know how important it is to eat veggies for good health. These eight sneaky tips and kid-friendly recipes can get your kids to eat more veggies.

Diet Articles
Understanding the Role of Love in Mental Health

Understanding the Role of Love in Mental Health

Love plays a crucial role in our mental health. Love that comes from a friend, a partner, a sibling, or a parent has an unbeatable and impassable power to rescue us from any emotional misery. Let''s read on to know more about how love impacts our mental health.

Lifestyle Articles