Nursing Profession News

Medindia's Press Release’ section provides the latest press release on Nursing Profession from across the world for the global audience. This page links to 721 Nursing Profession press releases.

Registered Nurses from Public Health - Seattle & King County Hold Informational Picket to Highlight Public Safety Concerns

SEATTLE , Feb. 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA), representing more than 300 registered nurses at Public Health - Seattle & King County, is holding an informational picket today to highlight ...

Ohio Nurses Association Supports Bill to Prevent Violence Against Nurses

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Feb. 16 The Ohio Nurses Association applauds the introduction of House Bill 450 (HB 450) on February 11, 2010, sponsored by State Representatives Denise Driehaus (D-Columbus) and Linda S. Bolon (D-Columbiana). The bill ...

Not Guilty - Texas Jury Acquits Winkler County Nurse

ANDREWS, Texas, Feb. 11 It took the jury less than an hour to return a not guilty verdict this morning for Anne Mitchell, RN, defendant in the criminal trial that has come to be known as the "Winkler County nurses" trial. Mitchell faced ...

Tufts Medical Center and Boston Medical Center Nurses Hold a Joint Informational Picket to Protest Unsafe Staffing and Practice Conditions

Demonstration responds to a growing trend by the hospital industry to exploit the economic climate, by cutting nursing care to boost profits at the patient's expense BOSTON, Feb. 11 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The registered nurses of ...

Nurse-Attorney/Former Bristol-Myers Squibb Executive Selected To Lead New Jersey State Nurses Association

TRENTON, N.J., Feb. 10 The New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA) today announced that Patricia A. Barnett, a nurse and attorney with three decades of public policy experience, has been selected as the new Chief Executive Officer ...

Survey: Over 40 Percent of Nurses to Alter Career Path

SAN DIEGO, Feb. 3 Nearly one-third of registered nurses (RNs) surveyed last month say they will not be working in their current job a year from now and close to half say they plan to alter their career path in the next one to three ...

Registered Nurses at Sacred Heart Medical Center Hold Informational Picket to Highlight Patient Safety Concerns During Stalled Contract Negotiations

SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 2 Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA), representing more than 1,500 registered nurses at Sacred Heart Medical Center, held an informational picket today to highlight issues critical to patient safety. ...

Groundbreaking New Survey Finds that Diverse Opinion Leaders Say Nurses Should Have More Influence on Health Systems and Services

Opinion Leaders Trust Nurses, but Cite Barriers to Nursing Leadership PRINCETON, N.J., Jan. 20 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- From reducing medical errors, to increasing the quality of care, to promoting wellness, to improving efficiency and ...

Registered Nurses at Tacoma General Hold Informational Picket During Stalled Contract Negotiations

TACOMA, Wash. , Jan. 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA), representing more than 750 registered nurses at Tacoma General Hospital, held an informational picket and press conference today to highlight ...

Truckee Meadows Community College Nurse Mentoring Program Provides Opportunity for EMPLOYERS(R) Executive to Give Back

RENO, Nev., Jan. 19 As Senior Vice President of Managed Care at Reno-based EMPLOYERS®, Mary Lushina knows first-hand how valuable mentoring relationships can be for nursing school students and young professionals. That's why Lushina got ...

Nursing Profession News »

Nurse Coordination App for Critical Care

Nurse Coordination App for Critical Care

The newly developed NCCCS electronic app aims to enhance the care coordination skills of nurses responsible for managing critically ill patients on life support. ( ) The NCCCS app utilizes the scoring system referred to as the Nurses' Care ...

Why Did the Nurse Kill the Babies : Decoding the Mystery of Lucy Letby

Why Did the Nurse Kill the Babies : Decoding the Mystery of Lucy Letby

Lucy Letby is a British nurse who was arrested on suspicion of murdering eight babies and attempting to murder ten others while working at the Countess of Chester Hospital in England....

Pandemic Spurs Nurse Intentions to Quit Despite Resilience

Pandemic Spurs Nurse Intentions to Quit Despite Resilience

Nurses in outpatient clinics and similar departments demonstrated greater resilience compared to their counterparts working in urgent care, acute wards, intensive care, or anesthesia and operative units, stated a recent study from the University of Eastern Finland ( ). ...

Impact of Staffing Shortages on Nurses' Well-Being

Impact of Staffing Shortages on Nurses' Well-Being

More than 50% of nurses have revealed that there is inadequate staff to meet demand, resulting in burnout and feeling overworked, revealed survey results....

Why Is Improving Experience for Overseas Nurses in the UK Important?

Why Is Improving Experience for Overseas Nurses in the UK Important?

The key motivations for migration among international nurses included education, career experience, and desires to improve quality of life. The report, International nurses and their initial integration into NHS England’s healthcare ...

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