

Medindia in the News...

Indian Healthcare on the Net

Computers & Communications - The Hindu, 19 November 1998
The Indian healthcare industry has not been slow to exploit the Internet-dozens of websites have sprung up some to help medical practitioners of specific disciplines, exchange views and news; others geared to provide the public with medical information services. The following is a brief survey of what's on offer at the various websites.
Medical Computer Society of India (MCSI) aims to bring together members of the medical profession who would like to join the cyber revolution, the MCSI was formed a year ago.
Dr.Sunil Shroff, the founder ([email protected]) writes that the society aims to develop software programs to further medical education; create a data base of Indian doctors, medical colleges and hospitals; pharmaceuticals and allied industries. MCSI also plans to create support groups for patients by dispersing information on common medical conditions.
Uniquely both medicos and non-medicos can become members. The website contains details of professional meetings; lists of medical colleges, milestones in the history of medicine, lists of medical organisations and institutions.
Neurological Society of India website: Contains extract from the society's newsletter; upcoming events and an interesting "Case of the Month". The entire scientific program of their annual conference is available online. Next year the society will accept abstracts online.
Indian Dental Association website: An excellent site, with plenty of information for the professional. A beginning has been made to create a service, where lay users can find a list of dentists in your place.
The advance announcement of the 26th annual conference of the Indian Prostho-Dental Society (November 28-29) and the 53rd Indian Dentistry Conference (January 6-9, 1999) both in Bangalore have been posted.
All India Institute of Medical Sciences website:  Information about this Delhi based institute is disseminated by a number of non-official websites, many serviced by AIIMS alumni in the U.S., which are linked by the site listed above.
Institute of Cardio-Vascular Disease (Madras Medical Mission website)  The site is a good source of information for potential patients. In addition it provides a link to the Indian Association of Physical Assistants, a new concept in the Indian environment.
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences,This Kochi based multi speciality hospital was inaugurated earlier this year.
Peerless Hospital and Medical Research Centre , A useful site for those looking for details about this Calcutta-based speciality hospital.
Jaslok Hospital The Mumbai-based hospital which launched the era of high profile healthcare
Worldmedics website This is a listing of practitioners, city-wise. When visited earlier this week, the site was offering free introductory pages for doctors
Health Information Library website: Health Information Library for People (HELP) is a Mumbai-based service aiming to (empower people by providing them with the information they need to promote their health). At their website you can access databases on medical colleges, equipment manufacturers etc. Their Mumbai office undertakes online searches of commercial databases like Mediline.