Reproductive age group -Selective history:

When was the patient’s last menstrual period?
If the patient has missed a menstrual period, either intrauterine or ectopic pregnancy should be suspected.

What is the relationship between pain and menses?
Pain with a clear relationship with menses is suggestive of endometriosis, adenomyosis or congestive dysmenorrhea due to Is the pain exacerbated by intercourse, bowel movements or increased physical activity?
If yes rule out endometriosis.

Is the pain associated with abnormal vaginal bleeding?
If yes then the cause is probably a fibroid or adenomyosis.

Is the patient pregnant?
If yes tubal pregnancy or abortion must Ectopic pregnancy be ruled out.
Has the patient had pelvic or abdominal surgery?
Consider pelvic adhesions.


salma_42, United Kingdom

3 years ago i went early menopause and my last period was 2 years ago, but 2 days ago i stated bleeding even though is not much i have abdominal pain as well please let me know.

luubabe, Nigeria

Is taking ice cubes harmful to my health? How is taking too cold drinks associated to abdominal pains?

manju11246, India

Abdonimal pain was treated with OFLOXACIN AND ORNIDAZOLE tablets with improvement.When CAPSULES of PREBIOTIC were used along with the first drug, the condition of the patient became worse.The second drug was then avoided and the patient improved regularly.