

Request to Use Medindia Content

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Request to Use Medindia Content

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Eg : To demonstrate Inguinal Hernia surgery to 3rd year medical students

Please note all items used from Medindia need prior authorization / permission. Applying for permission does not guarantee authorization for usage. Please wait for a confirmation from our Editors before using the material. Material that is used should be acknowledged at the top of the presentation or separately as follows - We thank Medindia health website ( for usage of this item from the following Url –

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Usage of Medindia content with Permission

As the volumes of requests for use of our material is constantly going up, it is becoming increasingly difficult to answer individual requests. Before submitting for a request, please note the following -
  1. We do not allow re-publishing of our website information on another website, except for our press releases.
  2. Publication in Print media of our content is possible with permission
  3. We do not sell or allow you to publish our database example the drug database, you can instead use our widgets
  4. Any material used needs ot be acknowledged and a photocopy needs to be submitted for our records

List Medindia contents you wish to use with url

Eg. Animation – Inguinal Hernia