

Health Insurance Polls

E 4
Health Poll
Should it be mandatory for an employed person to contribute towards health insurance in India?
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1. Have you ever experienced hyperpigmentation?

2. Do you think vaccinations are important for individuals aged 60 years or older?

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2. How do you usually combat summer fatigue?

3. Do You Believe Paternal Age Significantly Impacts Miscarriage Risk?

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The employed person should get a complimentary full health cover for his full family because he is paying 37.5% of his earning to the nation's welfare. Average 20% Income Tax and whatever he takes home, when he goes to buy anything govt. again charges VAT BAT TAT and God knows what but on average 17.5% of hard earned money is again lost. Employee is loosing one third of earning practically for Nothing. No health, no education, no housing, no road, no law and order, I do not find a reason to accept such a governance! Compare other countries, their govt. is said to be aggressive tax charger, they take 40% means 2.5% more then our govt. but they guarantee Free healthcare, Free education, Good and clean infrastructure, Social security, Unemployment allowance, old age security[Something respectable amounts, not like shameful Rs.650/month that our govt. gives. It is all due to miss management of funds to benefit the politicians, corporates, big criminals, mafias and anyones who is not a common citizen.
RamNarayan  Wednesday, July 24, 2013
mental health awareness is need of the hour. Until unless this deficit is not corrected, who dream of complete health is impossible.
drgopal  Wednesday, October 24, 2012
I am 63years, my diastolic 72, what should I do to correct it.
scg49  Thursday, October 11, 2012