

Medicine, Art & Literature

Medicine is a well-known theme in famous pieces of art and literature, the relationship between them is evident in the power of expression intelligently used to reveal and record information about many types of diseases and its cure.

J.B. Lyons

Year of Birth : 1922
Fiction : A Question of Surgery(1960) When Doctors Differ (1961) Southdowns General Hospital (1963)
Non - Fiction : James Joyce and Medicine (1973) Medicine and Literature in Ireland, in Journal of the Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. 1973; 3: 3-9. Oliver St. John Gogarty (1976) The Mystery of Oliver Goldsmith's Medical Degree (1978) Oliver St. John Gogarty: The Man of Many Talents (1980) Thrust Syphilis Down to Hell and Other Rejoyceana: Studies in the Border-lands of Literature and Medicine (1988)