Treatment for Chest Pain
In some cases the treatment for chest pain begins even before the diagnosis because chest pain is treated as an emergency and there is simply no time to waste. If the doctor suspects angina, the patient is treated with the necessary medications even as the patient is waiting for the test results.
If the diagnosis reveals atherosclerotic plaques then smaller doses of aspirin and statins (lowers cholesterol) may be administered. Those with microvascular dysfunction are given angiotensin-converting inhibitors (ACE) and L – arginine. The latter is an amino acid that is administered to enhance blood flow in the arteries.

Studies have revealed that a testosterone boost will help to relieve angina in men.
If the chest pain is due to an injury to the chest wall or due to excessive strain such as coughing, then the patient can try taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve the tension in the affected area. Cold or hot compression and rest can also be tried.
If the chest pain is due to a flare up of an existing condition then the patient needs to follow the doctor’s prior instructions.