Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) - It is a condition wherein plaque deposits begin to build up in the coronary arteries.Angiogram - Imaging study that helps to study the blood flow inside arteries. Mitral valve prolapse- It is a disease of the mitral valve of the heart.
Pancreatitis – Inflammation of the pancreas.
Hiatus hernia – Protrusion of the upper stomach into thorax.
Syphilis – A sexually transmitted disease.
Shingles - A viral disease caused by herpes zoster.
Cardiac catheterization – Insertion of catheter into the heart vessel for diagnostic purposes.
Angioplasty - A procedure where a tiny balloon is inserted in the artery of arm or leg to push open blocked arteries of the heart.
By pass surgery - Surgical procedure wherein pieces of arteries from either the arm or the leg are attached to the arteries of the heart to overcome a block and enhance blood flow.
Syndrome X - Common in women where features of chest pain typical of angina with positive stress test on exercise but negative on Coronary angiogram.
Tietze’s syndrome – Swelling on costal cartilage in young people that presents with chest pain that goes away on holding the breath at deep expiration.