Importance of Breast Feeding

Importance of Breast Feeding


Breast milk is the milk produced by a lactating female. Breastfeeding should commence as soon as possible after giving birth and every 1 to 3 hours per 24 hours (8-12 times per24 hours). Babies should be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months and continued with weaning until 12 months and further on, depending on the situation of the mother and child.

The first and the foremost 100% pointer that goes in the favor of breast milk is that it creates a special bonding experience between the mother and child, which is unparalleled, and it provides a special nutrition to the infant.

Breast is a complete food for the infant. The nutritional profile of breast milk in terms of calories, vitamins, and minerals is the BEST for the infant as it has the perfect proportion of them all. From antibodies which protect an infant at birth, to the exclusive nutrients in mothers’ milk which prevent a number of childhood diseases, the benefits of breastfeeding are incalculable.


The uniqueness and precious nature of breast milk is enhanced by the fact that it is an asset given by nature and has no price. There is no need to worry about infection or temperature or freshness.

Young mothers often misled to believe that infant feeding formula does very well as a replacement for breast milk. However, nothing can duplicate the properties of breast milk, no matter how many vitamins, minerals and other supplements are added to what is basically a chemical formulation.

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