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What is Giloy?
Tinospora cordifolia, also known as the Guduchi or Giloy has a great medicinal history in Indian folk medicine as an essential herb. It is called in different names in different languages of India.
‘Guduchi’ is a Sanskrit name meaning protection to the whole body, ‘Amrita’ which means the root of immortality, and ‘Giloe’ a Hindu mythological name which means a heavenly elixir that prevents aging.
Giloy belonging to the Menispermaceae family, is a deciduous shrubby creeper with yellow flowers and heart-shaped leaves. The shrub grows in tropical, high-altitude areas of India, Myanmar, Southeast Asia, Africa, Sri Lanka, and Australia.
Researchers have shed light on the plant in the past few decades owing to its health benefits namely antioxidant, anti-arthritic, anti-osteoporotic, anti-diabetic, cardioprotective, immunomodulating properties, and many more.
The plant is also used to treat digestive problems like colitis, loss of appetite, vomiting and dysentery, urination problems, skin problems, liver disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and leprosy.
Active Components
A myriad of essential compounds present in the plant points up its usage in treating health conditions. Following are the active components -
- Alkaloids
- Terpenoids
- Glycosides
- Steroids
- Sesquiterpenoid
- Phenolics
- Aliphatic compounds
- Essential oils Fatty acids
- Polysaccharides
- Lignans
- Glycosides and many more
What are the Health Benefits of Giloy?
Giloy plays an active role in the ayurvedic treatment of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, infections, and many more.

Giloy and Diabetes: The alkaloids, tannins, glycosides, flavonoids, and other chemical constituents of the plant exhibit anti-diabetic activities. Animal studies show that the stem extracts of Giloy reduce blood sugar levels and the root extracts reduce HbA1c levels and also had hypoglycemic effects. Reduction in urinary glucose and lipid-lowering functions were also reported in animal studies. Therefore, the roles of Giloy in regulating blood glucose are attenuating oxidative stress, aggravating insulin production, and inhibiting glucose production and glycogen breakdown.
Giloy and Immunomodulation: Immunomodulating properties of Giloy is reported in obstructive jaundice, tuberculosis, cancer, and stimulation of bone marrow. Its immunomodulatory effect is supposed to be beneficial in preventing and managing ENT infections.
Giloy and Anti-Toxicity: Extracts of the plant scavenges free radicals produced during a flatoxicosis. Its leaves and stem extracts display hepatoprotective effects in animal studies. It has also been studied to be beneficial against lead nitrate-induced toxicity.
Giloy and Anti-oxidant Activity: The phenolic compounds in Giloy act as antioxidants. It helps scavenge radicals and prevents oxidative stress from occurring due to infections. Its antioxidant capacity claims it to be beneficial in fraility, aging, rejuvenation, and fatigue.
Giloy, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoporosis: Traditional medicines use Giloy solely or in combination with ginger to treat rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis. Giloy extracts peak the growth of bone-forming cells, differentiation, and mineralization of the bone-like matrix. Animal studies show that its extracts can revive the thickness of joint cartilage and alleviate osteoporosis.
Giloy and Lipid Profile: Increase in serum lipids among people with diabetes increases the risk for coronary heart diseases. Animal studies show that administration of root extract of Giloy exhibited hypolipidemic effects, namely drop in tissue cholesterol, serum phospholipids, and free fatty acids.
Giloy and Cancer: Giloy root extracts are studied to be beneficial in cancer. It enhances host immunity by elevating blood leukocytes and immunoglobulin levels and also stimulates the expansion of stem cells. Giloy also possesses anti-tumor properties and is suggested to be effective in hepatocellular carcinoma (cancer in liver cells) as a chemo-preventive drug.
Giloy and HIV: Giloy is a promising herb that reduces HIV resistance and improves treatment outcomes. The anti-HIV properties of its stem extracts are exhibited by the decrease in eosinophil count, stimulation of hemoglobin levels, Blymphocytes, polymorphonu clear leukocytes, and macrophages.
Giloy and Brain health: Extracts of the plant possess neuroprotective effects and have beenof great use in Parkinson's disease owing to its anti-inflammatory activity. It is known to protect the neurons from neuro inflammation. The plant is also studied to help improve memory and learning capability.
Giloy and Kidney Health: The plant is beneficial in dissolving kidney stones and decreasing blood urea levels. Its anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties make it useful in urinary tract infections as well.
Giloy and Skin Health: Traditionally in Ayurveda Giloy is used to treat skin diseases like leprosy, ‘Kandu’ (itching), and ‘Visarpa.’
Giloy and Allergy: Giloy has been demonstrated to provide relief from allergic symptoms such as sneezing, nasal obstruction, and congestion.
Giloy and Mental Health: Giloy acts as an antidepressant by increasing and potentiating monoamines namely norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. It also prevents the breakdown of the seamines.
Other Health Benefits: Giloy is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders like diarrhea, ulcer, dysentery, and abdominal pain, to reduce inflammation, pain, in fever, asthma, snake bites, seizures, convulsions, and many more.
Giloy powder or ‘Guduchichurna’ is considered to increase longevity, boost immunity, reduce anxiety and stress, and improve eyesight. It is also beneficial to reduce pimples, wrinkles, fine lines and delays aging.
Giloy juice or Giloy Kadha is used for its power to fight several infections and ailments. The gingerol and curcumin components in it improve immunity. Giloy juice is made using Giloy stems, water, turmeric powder, ginger, tulsi leaves, and jaggery. Juice extracted from its stem is used to treat gout.
Overall, Giloy in various forms like infusion, tinctures, decoction or string decoction, maceration, tablets, syrups, and many more are used to treat several health conditions.
Nutritional Facts of Giloy
Giloy contains adequate amounts of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, minerals and is low in fat. About 100g of Giloy provides 292.54 calories. The crude values of the food content in Tinospora cordifolia are given below:
- Carbohydrate-61.66%
- Protein-4.5%to11.2%
- Fat-3.1%
- Fiber-15.9%
The plant is also rich in minerals such as Zinc, Cobalt, Potassium (0.845%), Manganese, Chloride, Copper, Calcium (0.131%), Iron (0.28%), Chromium (0.006%).
The nutritional profile and the beneficial active components of Tinospora cordifolia make the plant a promising herb for treating several health conditions.