Men’s Health Month is June 2018 – Awareness, Prevention, Education, Family

Men’s Health Month is June 2018 – Awareness, Prevention, Education, Family

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Men’s Health Month is observed internationally in June every year to raise awareness on health issues impacting boys and men.

  • June is internationally observed as Men’s Health Month when you can show your support by raising awareness about men’s health issues
  • Men’s Health Week celebrated from June 11 to 15 is the week leading up to and including Father’s Day. Show your solidarity by wearing blue on June 15
  • This week is all about raising awareness among men to make healthy lifestyle choices, make regular annual visits to the doctor, get educated on heart disease or diabetes, and much more
Men’s Health Month is observed internationally in the month of June every year – the goal is to raise awareness on health issues impacting boys and men.
Men’s Health Week is celebrated as the week leading up to and including Father’s Day.


Goal of Men’s Health Month

The purpose of Men’s Health Month is to increase the awareness of health matters in men and boys. Generally, men tend to postpone health checks and visits to doctor till their health hits a crisis point. This is an opportunity for healthcare providers, public policy makers, the media, and individuals to encourage the men and boys around them to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury.


State of Men’s Health

There are several health disparities between men and women.
  • On an average, men live about 5 years less than women
  • Every age group of men is at a greater risk of death
  • Diseases of the heart and cancers are the top causes of death in men
  • There is a higher death rate for 9 out of the 10 top causes of death
  • One in two men will develop cancer
  • Sexual health can also impact physical health in men; it is good to be aware that erectile dysfunction is an early sign of cardiovascular disease
  • While men outnumber females at birth (105 vs. 100), by age 35, women take over
  • Men have a higher suicide death rate than women
  • Men account for 92% of fatal workplace injuries
  • Men make only half as many physician visits for prevention as women
  • Men are also more likely to be uninsured than women
  • Approximately, 30,000 men die each year from prostate cancer
  • Thirty percent of men experience depression, yet only 1 in 4 actually talk about it


Progress in Men’s Health

However, the good news is that there has been progress in men’s health over the last 20 years since the United States Congress recognized National Men’s Health Week. Hence the Men’s Health Month gives an opportunity to take the progress to a further level.

The 6.6-year gap between the life expectancy of men and women in 1994 had reduced to 4.8 years by 2010.

Mortality by all causes including those from cancers and cardiovascular disease (the leading causes of death in men) has improved across ethnicities for both men and women since 1994 with males significantly narrowing the gap with females.

What you can do during Men’s Health Week

Show your support for the men and boys in your lives by wearing blue on June 15 – ‘Wear Blue Day’ this year is Friday, June 15. Show your friend, brother, dad, boyfriend, spouse, or boss that you care for them, their health and well-being by wearing the blue color. Spread the knowledge of Men’s Health Month.

Conduct an educational event at your workplace, church, community group, senior center, or health department and ask a local nurse, doctor, or health educator to give a lecture on men’s health.

Plan a health fair in a workplace, community center, church, library, or hospital. The event can include health screenings such as blood pressure, cholesterol, PSA (prostate-specific antigen), and body fat, fitness demonstrations from local gyms, yoga and karate centers, and healthy cooking demonstrations.

Set up a table at a store, restaurant, hallway at work, gym, library, or community center with brochures and information on men’s heart health, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and blood pressure. This platform can also be used to raise money for education on all health issues that affect men.

Coordinate with health groups (nonprofits, wellness centers, hospitals, doctors, dentists, chiropractors, etc) to have health information booths.

Help to fundraise for Prostate Cancer by organizing a 5K walk in the town.

Plan some fitness activities with your co-workers and neighbors like walking, golfing, bowling, baseball or softball.

Ask local newspapers or media to sponsor writing or poetry contests on the topic of men’s health.

So, the message to all the men this month is to eat right, exercise daily, visit the doctor periodically and to stay healthy and strong.

  1. JUNE is Men’s Health Month! - (
  2. Men's Health Month - (












