Oral Health: The First Reflector of AIDS
AIDS has taken on massive proportions in modern times. It is estimated that over 15 million people are suffering from the disease and many more are harboring the dreaded Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
Brand Names and Generic Names of Drugs for Treatment of Oral Health And AIDS
Abacavir is an antiviral drug used to treat AIDS/HIV infection by acting on the enzyme called reverse transcriptase.
Brand Names :
Abavir | Abamune | Abec | Abcavir | Abamune Tablet | Virol | Abamune (300mg) | Abavir (300mg) | Abec (300mg) | Abamune-L (600mg/300mg)
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Amantadine is a synthetic (man-made) anti-viral and antiparkinson agent, prescribed for Parkinson's disease and also for treating certain types of flu.
Brand Names :
Comantrel | Amantrel | Amantrel | Neaman
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Indinavir is a protease inhibitor, prescribed for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in adults that slow the spread of HIV infection in the body.
Brand Names :
Virodin | Indivir | Indivan | Inbec | Indease | Ind | Indivan -400 | I - VIR | Inbec (400mg) | Indivan (400mg)
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Lamivudine is a potent nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor (nRTI), prescribed for HIV/AIDS, and hepatitis B either alone or with other medication.
Brand Names :
Haptavir(100mg) | Hepavud | Hepitec | Hepravir | Heptavir | Heptavir (150 mg) | Hivir | Hivir (150 mg) | Ladiwin | Lamda
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Stavudine is a nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NARTI), prescribed for HIV/AIDS.
Brand Names :
Virostav | Virostav (40 mg) | Stadin | Stavir | Stadine 30 | Stag | Stavir (40 mg) | Stavex (30mg) | Lamistar (150mg/30mg) | Lamistar (150mg/30mg)
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