
Blood Test Detects Knee Osteoarthritis Years Before X-Ray Visibility

by Colleen Fleiss on Apr 27 2024 10:05 PM
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A limited set of biomarkers in the blood test effectively differentiated women with knee osteoarthritis from those without the condition.

Blood Test Detects Knee Osteoarthritis Years Before X-Ray Visibility
A successful blood test predicted knee osteoarthritis at least eight years before visible signs emerged on x-rays. In a study published in the journal Science Advances, researchers confirmed the accuracy of a blood test identifying crucial biomarkers for osteoarthritis. They demonstrated its ability to predict both the onset and progression of the disease, consistent with their prior research findings (1 Trusted Source
An osteoarthritis pathophysiological continuum revealed by molecular biomarkers

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“Currently, you’ve got to have an abnormal x-ray to show clear evidence of knee osteoarthritis, and by the time it shows up on x-ray, your disease has been progressing for some time,” said senior author Virginia Byers Kraus, M.D., Ph.D., a professor in the departments of Medicine, Pathology, and Orthopedic Surgery at Duke University School of Medicine. “What our blood test demonstrates is that it’s possible to detect this disease much earlier than our current diagnostics permit.”

Understanding Osteoarthritis: Prevalence & Impact

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis, afflicting an estimated 35 million adults in the U.S. and causing significant economic and societal impacts. While there are currently no cures, the success of potential new therapies could hinge on identifying the disease early and slowing its progression before it becomes debilitating.

Kraus and colleagues have focused on developing molecular biomarkers that can be used for both clinical diagnostic purposes and as a research tool to aid in the development of effective drugs. In previous studies, the blood biomarker test demonstrated 74% accuracy in predicting knee OA progression and 85% accuracy in diagnosing knee OA.

The current study further honed the test’s predictive capabilities. Using a large United Kingdom database, the researchers analyzed serum of 200 white women, half diagnosed with OA and the other half without the disease, matched by body mass index and age.

They found that a small number of biomarkers in the blood test successfully distinguished the women with knee OA from those without it, catching molecular signals of OA eight years before many of the women were diagnosed with the disease by x-ray.

“This is important because it provides more evidence that there are abnormalities in the joint that can be detected by blood biomarkers well before x-rays can detect OA,” Kraus said. “Early-stage osteoarthritis could provide a ‘window of opportunity’ in which to arrest the disease process and restore joint health.”

  1. An Osteoarthritis Pathophysiological Continuum Revealed by Molecular Biomarkers - (












