Hemophilia is an inherited blood disorder and has no permanent cure. Patients depend on anti-hemophilia factors, which costs about Rs.3 lakh per year.

Dr. Annamma Kurien, Associate Dean of Melaka Manipal Medical College, Manipal University and also the president of Manipal Hemophilia Society, said, “Purple Soupa team from Australia will be conducting the activities at the camp which is being partly funded by Novo Nordisk Hemophilia Foundation.”
Hemophilia is an inherited platelet disorder that prevents blood from clotting. There is no permanent cure for hemophilia and can only be managed.
Hemophilia can be treated only by administration of anti-hemophilic factors (AHF), which is very expensive and beyond the reach of many people with hemophilia. On an average, the treatment costs around Rs. 3 lakh a year.
Most of the states in India provide free anti-hemophilia factors (AHF) for people with the disorder, but Karnataka is not among them, said Dr. Kurien. Voicing Manipal Hemophilia Society’s concern, Dr. kurien urged the government to provide (Factor VIII, IX, VII and APCC) to all persons with hemophilia in the state and to ensure its availability in all districts.