Through this study, the researchers are justifying the need for chronic liver disease patients to use Alcohol use medications. Even these patients with the advanced liver disease should receive treatment for the alcohol-use disorder.

‘Alcohol use disorder treatment should be expanded in everyday clinical practice to include patients with the advanced liver disease, concluded the authors’

Below is a summary of the review article:

Alcohol use is common among patients with liver disease and is associated with poor outcomes. In addition, the advanced liver disease can complicate the pharmacologic treatment of alcohol use disorder and alcohol withdrawal syndrome. In fact, medications approved for the alcohol use disorder are prescribed to a minority of patients, yet they could be used by patients with chronic liver disease.
Given that there is no safe threshold for alcohol consumption and, if it exists, it is likely very low, abstinence should be encouraged in patients with the chronic liver disease. In addition, liver transplantation could be considered for patients who abstain from alcohol and present with progressive liver failure.
The authors conclude that alcohol use disorder treatment should be expanded in everyday clinical practice to include patients with the advanced liver disease.