A practical blood test for omega-3 levels simplifies access to vital data for heart and brain health has been developed.

Lipidomic Studies Reveal Specific Circulating Phosphatidylcholines as Surrogate Biomarkers of Omega-3 Index
Go to source) While the human body can generate most of the fats it needs, it cannot produce adequate levels of omega-3 fatty acids and must obtain them from dietary sources.
‘The newly found Omega-3 Index (O3I) biomarkers will aid omega-3 fatty acid nutrition research for population health. #omegafattyacids #fish ’

Two key omega-3 fatty acids, called EPA (eicosatetraenoic acid), and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), can be derived only from certain sources, such as fish, seafood, enriched foods, and supplements, but measuring how much gets into the blood has been both difficult and invasive. 

In addition to increasing the risk of cardiovascular events, a lack of omega-3 fatty acids has also been associated with inflammation and other health conditions, including cognitive impairment, depression, fetal neurodevelopment, and premature birth.
“This reflects that you are what you eat. Omega-3 fatty acids are primarily derived from our diet and are incorporated into the membranes of all cells and tissues in your body,” says Philip Britz-McKibbin, lead author of the study and a professor of chemistry and chemical biology at McMaster University. “In general, if you have an O3I below 4 percent you may have a higher risk for a cardiovascular-related event. Conversely, individuals with an O3I above 8 percent have a lower risk. But since O3I is a modifiable risk factor, you can change it through diet.
“The body’s response to omega-3 supplementation can vary significantly between individuals, with distinct health benefits reported for patients who consumed only EPA, only DHA, or a mixture,” says Britz-McKibbin.
Blood Test for Omega-3 Fatty Acid Measurement
Existing tests to measure the Omega-3 Index have required drawing large volumes of blood and complicated laboratory work to analyze their omega-3 fatty acid content. As a result, most clinicians do not routinely measure O3I. The new method opens the door to regular screening, which can help clinicians and patients understand how much supplementation is necessary.“Testing for the O3I is a complicated procedure so it's not routinely available for patient screening, despite the popular use of fish oil supplements, and promising clinical evidence of the many health benefits from optimal omega-3 fatty acid nutrition,” says Britz-Mckibbin. “This should make it much more convenient to do routine testing since dosage levels and product formulations differ widely in their exact omega-3 fatty acid composition.”
Participants in the study were given between 3 and 5 grams of fish oil, EPA or DHA supplements per day. Researchers performed lipid profiling to isolate specific O31 biomarkers from among hundreds of detectable circulating lipids.
Researchers also plan to identify a surrogate biomarker of the O3I with a urine-based test, which would eliminate the need to draw blood entirely.
- Lipidomic Studies Reveal Specific Circulating Phosphatidylcholines as Surrogate Biomarkers of Omega-3 Index - (https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0022227523001189)