The monkeypox virus has mutated at an unexpected rate with an accelerated evolution. These significant genetic variations might suggest accelerated evolution.

‘The latest monkeypox outbreak seems to be a descendant of the one in the 2017 Nigeria outbreak, one would expect no more than five to 10 additional mutations instead of the observed about 50 mutations.’

This "is far more than one would expect considering previous estimates" of the mutation rate of orthopox viruses of which monkeypox is a type — between six and 12 times more, they wrote in the paper published in the journal Nature Medicine. 

These significant genetic variations might suggest "accelerated evolution", they added.
Monkeypox Virus Mutations
"Our data reveals additional clues of ongoing viral evolution and potential human adaptation," the team wrote, adding that they had identified proteins that are known to interact with peoples’ immune systems.However, it is not known whether the mutations have contributed to increased transmissibility between people, Joao Paulo Gomes, head of the Genomics and Bioinformatics Unit at the Institute, was quoted as saying.
"We do not know that. We just know that these additional 50 mutations were quite unexpected," Gomes said.
As part of the study, the team researchers collected 15 monkeypox virus sequences in total — mostly from Portugal — and reconstructed their genetic data.
"However, in this case the mutations are apparently not making the virus non-viable and may be helping it to adapt to human-human transmission," Vallely, who was not involved in the study, told Newsweek.