Assisted living helps married and unmarried couples to build social relationships for older adults which improves the quality of life.

‘Residents in assisted living act as important confidantes, companions and friends and protect each other from negative marital transitions like illness or a death of the spouse.’

Couples are now a minority in assisted living, but they may become more common as the population ages. However, there were some detrimental outcomes, such as feeling the burden of caregiving, feeling defined by one's spouse and having limited choices. 

The study also showed the importance of social relationships. While many assume couples have each other and don't need or want external relationships, the frailty of participants in this study and the range of marital quality showed coupled residents could not always rely on their intimate partners for support.
Fellow residents may prove to be important confidantes, companions and friends to coupled residents in assisted living and they can help shield against negative health outcomes associated with marital transitions, such as when a spouse is ill or dies.
The findings, published in the journal The Gerontologist, demonstrate the complexity and range of later-life couples' intimate and social lives.
Through participant observation and informal interviews, the researchers collected data for one year on 29 couples (26 married and three unmarried) in eight diverse assisted-living facilities in Georgia.
"These are important relationships and to the extent that they can be supported have really significant implications for well-being and quality of life for older adults," said Dr. Candace Kemp, associate professor in the Gerontology Institute and Department of Sociology at Georgia State University.
For instance, couples usually don't experience health declines at the same rate. If a husband or wife suffers from cognitive impairment, the assisted-living facility might suggest moving the person to a dementia care unit and leaving his or her spouse on the assisted-living side, which separates the couple, Kemp said.
"I think doing work in this setting is important," Kemp said, "and it's quite possible with people living longer that there will be more couples in these situations, whether they're married or unmarried. We certainly know very little about unmarried couples in later life."
"The nice thing about these communal settings is there are a lot of widowed, divorced and never married people, and there is potential opportunity to develop relationships," Kemp said.
"There are some scenarios, particularly if the caregiving spouse is doing so much work and worrying so much, that they can compromise their health by trying to do more than they're able to do," Kemp said. "I think it's finding that balance between what's best for both the individual and the couple and sometimes those are in conflict."
Despite the benefits of late-life couplehood in assisted living, some of the downfalls included the potential for other partners, induced jealousy and marital infidelity. Unmarried couples, particularly women, were gossiped about, indicating different cultural norms apply to older men and women and married and unmarried couples.
The researchers recommend strategies to support couples in assisted living should focus on individual needs and shared needs as a couple, particularly as couples experience physical and cognitive decline over time.