When someone is choking, learning life-saving procedures such as the Heimlich maneuver could make the difference between life and death.
- Choking occurs when an object becomes lodged in the throat or windpipe, obstructing the flow of air
- Allow a choking person to cough as forcefully as possible
- Give first aid to anyone unable to cough, talk, cry, or laugh loudly. Alternate between five back blows and five abdominal thrusts till the obstruction is removed

Symptoms of Choking
When someone is choking, there are several essential symptoms to look for:When someone is choking, they usually say, “They’re making the universal choking sign with their hands around their neck, grabbing their throat,” explains Kristin Bernstein, clinical nurse manager of the Cleveland Clinic Main Campus emergency department in Ohio. “They frequently feel highly scared while gripping their throats.”
Coughing, for example, helps to keep your airway clear. When someone has significant airway obstruction due to choking, they may have an ineffective cough - meaning the coughing reflex is hampered and isn’t removing the object properly - or they may be completely unable to cough.
“They appear to be trying to catch their breath, and you can’t hear any air movement,” Bernstein explains, implying that there is little to no air exchange.
Certain choking symptoms, such as respiratory discomfort, may resemble symptoms of another medical event, such as a stroke, heart attack, seizure, or overdose. Confirming that they are choking is critical for determining the following steps.
“If it’s an adult or a youngster who can respond, you ask, “‘Are you choking?’”, Bernstein claims. If they are unable to speak, they will most likely nod or, in the case of babies, cry to signal to choke.
What to do if Someone is Choking
Once you have determined that someone is choking, you should take quick action to remove the obstruction.You may be nervous or concerned at this time, and you may not know what to do.
“Try to recall a set of measures that will work in any situation,” advises Dr. David Markenson, co-chair of the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council.
These are the three steps of emergency care:
The first step is to look for choking signs. “Call 911 right away if you suspect they’re choking,” Markenson advises. “Get help there right away.”
This is significant for several reasons.
“Sometimes people don’t call 911 for choking, which is a big mistake because they might get worse,” he adds, adding that the last thing you want is for someone to grow worse and you don’t already have support on the scene. “Many of the 911 operators can advise and assist you.”
After you’ve requested assistance, you should begin delivering first aid.
First Aid for Choking
Adults and Children
When it comes to technique, there is conflicting advice. Basic Life Support, or BLS, training is taught by the American Heart Association and includes a sequence of abdominal thrusts, whereas the American Red Cross approach comprises a mix of five back blows and five abdominal thrusts.
Finally, no scientific data exists to show that one strategy is more effective than the other.
Tucks in the abdomen
You’ll conduct a sequence of abdominal thrusts, known as the Heimlich technique, as directed by the American Heart Association:
The same strategy can be used on youngsters as it is on adults. Markenson suggests that you may need to stoop to get down to their level. You’re performing “rapid, distinct thrusts in an upward motion,” according to Bernstein. “You’d keep doing that until the thing was evacuated or the subject became unresponsive.”
She adds that with a tiny child, you don’t need to execute abdominal thrusts as aggressively as you would with a full-sized adult.
This approach is repeated until the object is forced out, the person can breathe or make sounds, or the person becomes unresponsive.
Abdominal thrusts and strikes to the back
According to the American Red Cross, you’ll start with five back blows and then go on to five abdominal thrusts.
“Bend the person forward at the waist and deliver blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of one hand,” Markenson instructs.
Each back blow should be delivered firmly and purposefully as a separate action.
“One technique does not clear things for many people,” Markenson explains. “You may need to employ another approach, and in most circumstances, the alternation of techniques is beneficial. That’s why we use a combination of back strikes and chest thrusts since it provides you two options for getting the thing out.”
Pregnant women or obese
In some circumstances, chest thrusts replace abdominal thrusts.
“You only use chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts if they’re pregnant or you can’t get your arms around them,” Markenson explains.
A chest thrust is performed as follows:
An infant is typically defined as being under one year old, but because some newborns are smaller in size, this is not always a definite cut-off for utilizing this technique.
If you fear an infant is choking, place the infant in what Bernstein calls a “football hold.”
If an infant is choking, follow these steps:
If you are alone
If you are alone and start choking, contact 911 immediately. Even if you are unable to talk, the 911 operator will recognize your call and dispatch assistance.
If there is no means to call, perform abdominal thrusts on yourself as follows:
Risks of the Heimlich Maneuver
Potential injuries caused by choking or the procedures taken to clear the impediment include:Most injuries are minor. However, because you are still at risk of serious harm, it is critical to seek medical attention even after the object has been removed.